Lesbian Squad x Fem!Ticklish!Reader

400 4 11

(yay! a gay quintette)


Currently I was surfing through social media. Ugh I'm so bored! Being a hacker isn't always that fun. Even though I'm super tired, I just can not fall asleep. My pet, P/N was still up too, trying to find a comfortable position in their nest. Eventually they gave up on it and jumped over to my bed, plopping down next to me. The P/T started nuzzling my cheek, which made me giggle. "P/N! You know how ticklish I am!" They didn't seem to bother, and continued tickling me. "If you're still hungry, I filled your bowl just earlier." This made them perk up and shoot into the kitchen. With a sigh, I shook my head. Now, what to do? TikTok? Nah. Instagram? Nope. Facebook? Yeah! I opened facebook. After a while, I saw a community. The community of lesbians. Well, I'm not against them or anything. They're cool to me. But I guess a little teasing wouldn't hurt, right?

I created a fake account and wrote a tiny comment into the community. 'Lesbians are bad lol'. This made me feel bad. Maybe I'll delete it tomorrow. But for now, I have to sleep. P/N was already back and looked happily fed. They settled down at my feet, providing me warmth. I cuddled under the covers and let sleep welcome with with open arms.


In the morning, C/N Cookie left the house. As usual, she had to make a few errands. P/N was also going to get a few new toys, the H/C haired female made sure to take note of that. When she arrived at the store, she took out her bag and started searching for the stuff she needed. After some time, she looked at her phone and tapped her foot slightly in an impatient manner. Though unaware to C/N Cookie, in the same shop were a few Cookies she wouldn't want to see now. Four of them, to be exact. It was the most popular of facebook's lesbian community. Caramel Arrow Cookie, Black Raisin Cookie, Financier Cookie and Raspberry Cookie.

The first watcher was holding her cell phone while the others stood around her. All of their faces showed angry scowls. A certain Cookie had posted a comment into their community that made them unhappy. "We should teach her a lesson!" Black Raisin Cookie grumbled. After some research, the group was able to find this girl's real account and address. So they came up with a plan.


C/N Cookie walked back to her house after her trip to the store. She hoped her pet would like the toys she bought for them. Close to her house however, she heard some voices talking to each other. It sounded like they were at the front door. Weird, C/N Cookie didn't expect any guests.. Just in case, the woman hid behind a corner and peeked to where she heard the noise. Four females were standing in front of her door, one knocking angrily. C/N Cookie's stomach dropped. Instantly, she recognized them. Infact, they're practically the directors of the lesbian communtiy. Oh no! They must've seen that comment. Slowly, the E/C eyed Cookie set the bags down and started stepping backwards. These steps quickened, and she ran.

Only when C/N Cookie was far away from her house, she stopped in an open alleyway. Her E/C gaze wandered to her home that she could see from afar. Everybody gone. With cautious steps she made her way back. Huh. Really no one here. She ran into the house and locked the door. But her chest was filled with a feeling of discomfort and sadness. A lot of Cookies were angry at her. Writing that comment felt very wrong now. P/N hopped towards their owner with joy. However C/N Cookie carelessly tossed the toys to her little friend, which gave them the understanding she didn't feel like playing. C/N Cookie plopped onto her bed. She opened facebook and deleted what she had posted the other day. But she still felt bad. Maybe playing minecraft with admin skills would cheer her up...

(This is by no means to offend anybody! There will be a second part that'll be better. And if you think I'm against LGBTQ+, that's incorrect! I did mention in one chapter I'm bisexual myself.)


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