Gay Squad + Male!Reader Part 3

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After C/N Cookie had prepaired, he remembered something. He took out his phone and typed a message to the gay community. It said he was hired to clean that wall with the rainbow and that he was sorry. Also, he just now realized some Cookies whose gender he mistook are in the community. So he apologized for that too and pressed send. Though a reply came quickly from a lad named Crunchy Chip Cookie, and a few others too. They wouldn't forgive him. At this point, C/N Cookie knew they were so mad he'd really have to fight them. And he knew they'd attack him at midnight, most Cookies do that. It's also clear they know his location, some mebers are quite known for being able to do that. Well, he is advanced in speed and defense, but all of them together would definetely beat him. So he went to an abandoned building that would help him with a sneak attack considering its size. C/N Cookie would be ready.


"Are you suuure this blud is in THERE?" Licorice Cookie asked Affogato Cookie. "Of course he is! Thinks he can just hide away..." Scowled the former advisor. "Attack!" He ordered his companions. Cookies entered the building through doors and windows, because there were so many. But none of them knew this is excactly what C/N Cookie wanted. The H/C guy already waited for them. Even though they all were suprised he's prepaired, none took time to freeze and the battle began right away. Every attack that was shot at him he dodged and used all his weapons to swipe back. But he noticed a few Cookies didn't join the battle and stood to the side.

When he paid attention to that instead of the fight, a hit to his face made his mask fall off. Affogato Cookie took this as a chance to attack with poison. However that was a very big mistake from his side. It didn't weaken C/N Cookie at all, but instead he paused. "Ha! Now you'll be the one to lose a war! Remember me? You ruined everything, I had to go to the hospital for weeks! You'll get a taste of your own mouth." His jam boiled within his dough, his E/C eyes burnt with anger and hatred. Slowly, his every bit of reason in battle disappeared. Before the male's eyes, an illusion of his days in war formed. Every single enemy had to be eliminated. That was all he could think of. His fists landed punch after swipe and he completely forgot about his weapons. When C/N Cookie's madness gets out of control, he's inable to feel the pain of the other Cookie's attacks. 


Many police cars and officers arrived at the building. They had received a message a brutal fight broke out here. It was shocking to see multiple injured Cookies laying on the ground, and others about to faint. Officer Almond Cookie asked Prune Juice Cookie, who was also on the floor, what had happened. The parfaedian pointed to a room with his last bit of energy, and then fainted. In this room, C/N Cookie was hitting Affogato Cookie's head to a wall with full force so that jam spilled out. Before he could be killed however, Almond Cookie chained the H/C one, and ordered his companions to help the wounded.

However C/N Cookie wasn't done. He broke free from the chains and rushed up to the others. Milk Cookie summoned a shield and said to hurry with thinking for a plan. He wouldn't be able to keep it up for long since the rival is too strong. Though a plan didn't have to be made. Just as the shield cracked enirely and broke, C/N Cookie stopped. He saw the scared faces, the jam and the sound of police rang in his ears. All because of.. him?

Days later, C/N Cookie went to the hospital to check on the injured. Affogato Cookie had the worst wounds. Pure Vanilla Cookie sat by him with Dark Cacao Cookie and said his bones were cracked a lot, so it'll take a very long time to heal him. His bones are like a puzzle. Atthis rate C/N Cookie rushed home. He couldn't hear it anymore.

S/N Cookie went to her brother's house along with her girlfriends. She had heard of the incident aswell. Her brother didn't even lock the door. They all were able to enter his room and found C/N Cookie sitting on a chair. His face was plastered with depression and regret. As his relative ran over to him and took him into her arms, she mumbled words of comfort. Her brother sobbed quietly. Even though there was still the question on why he never said anything of his issues, that didn't matter right now. While telling him it'll be okay with an apology, S/N Cookie kept on hugging her brother. Neither of them said a word.

When C/N Cookie was at the hospital to say sorry, there were more Cookies than he expected. But he had to do it. It went suprisingly well since it was all a misunderstanding in the first place. Affogato Cookie even shook hands with C/N Cookie. After that, Hollyberry Cookie noticed him too, as she was here to look after Wildberry Cookie. She asked if the H/C dude had any sort of mental illness, to which he replied no. However she knew he was lying because he stammered. So she dragged him to a doctor. Although he kept on saying no, C/N Cookie was glad he were able to make peace.


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