Eclair Cookie x Paladin!Reader

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Eclair Cookie sighed, putting down his quill and the paper he was writing on. With the sheer waves of monsters lately, of course Cookies have found lots and lots of new relics while exploring the battle fields inside the guild. Infact, more than he's ever seen at once. Certainly, he was quite thrilled to get the chance of analyzing and displaying all of these in the museum! However it was tiring. He always took notes of what he could find out about the relics donated, and his enthusiasm in doing that made him write in extra exquisite and detailed ways. But now, Eclair Cookie was starting to lack the energy to to this. And he's not even halfway through yet!

His hand hovered over the quill he put down on the desk. The curator didn't want to continue his work again, but he knew he had to. Although, no one and nothing would've forced him. Suddenly the museum's doors flung open with small thuds. A Cookie stepped in, F/C tinted blade in hand. "Eclair Cookie!" C/N Cookie greeted with a smile on their face.

They were a paladin who had joined the guild a few months ago. And out of everything in general, the guild museum most definetely intrigued them the most. So, they had become quite good friends with its curator. "Ah.. Greetings." Eclair Cookie wondered for what reason they could possibly come here now. "Why would you come here? Is there anything I can help with.." Not letting him finish his sentence completely, C/N Cookie answered him right away.

"Well, I decided to check up on you." They looked to the side of the desk Eclair Cookie was sitting at. "..Not easy analyzing this many relics, huh?" A bag of many different items took up quite some space next to it. They were right. Eclair Cookie pressed his lips together to suppress a huff of frustration. A single drop of sweat rolled down his cheek. "No, no.. You're quite right. Though it is my passion.. It is.. tiresome at times."

C/N Cookie put a hand to their chin for a bit, carefully swinging their sword around as to not break anything. "So why not take a small break?" Eclair Cookie gave a gasp. "And leave my precious relics alone?!" The paladin grinned in slight amusement. They knew how dear Eclair Cookie held his job, and relics. "Don't worry. If there happens to be someone robbing the museum, the alarm you installed will go off. And I'll beat the crumbs out of that robber!" They said jokingly, skillfully spinning their sword to prove that last statement.

Eclair Cookie cocked an eyebrow. And yet, he couldn't help but feel a smile creep up to his face. "And where do you suggest I spend my break? Perhaps by a cafe?" C/N Cookie's E/C eyes lit up in excitement. "Ooh! We could go to the new ice cream parlor." Eclair Cookie nodded after thinking about his decision. "I suppose... Closing the museum for the rest of the afternoon wouldn't crack any dough." He got up from his chair, leaving his quill and scroll behind. A break wouldn't harm anyone. Especially not when you spend it with someone that's as intimate to you like C/N Cookie is to Eclair Cookie.

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