Stormbringer Cookie x Rockstar!Reader

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Stormbringer Cookie smiled widely, showing her fangs. She had just arrived at what the mortal Cookies call a 'music festival'. Not too long ago, she had seen and heard rock music for the first time, looking down from high above in the clouds, where she always watched over the Cookies of Earthbread. And she was absolutely amazed by it. Something that was fairly entertaining, and Stormbringer Cookie absolutely loves entertainment. 

So the sky goddess decided to visit the land for once. With the deity Cookies of course, they wouldn't let her wreak havoc at a rock concert. Which explains why all four of them are now down on earthbread, in slight disguises to not catch too much attention from the Cookies around. Speaking of which, there were a lot of mortals there. Maybe even just as much as Stormbringer Cookie sees around the Sublime Cake Tower.

Laughter and excitement swirls within the air, and the four sky Cookies can clearly see it too. As they wander around the festival grounds, a sweet melody is noticed by Stormbringer Cookie. It seemed oddly alluring, too. Rock music! Her yellow eyes gleam. But... she probably wouldn't be let there alone... She calls over to the deity Cookies.

"Hey, uhh... You! Wind Deity Cookie, Cloud Deity Cookie, Rain Deity Cookie! Get me some cloud candy. Or cotton candy as the Cookies say." She points to a stand nearby selling the sweet goods. The deities knew Stormbringer Cookie had a special liking to her favorite candy. "Why not?" Rain Deity Cookie chuckles lightly. "We're on it, Your Heavenliness!" Cheers Cloud Deity Cookie, jokingly giving her a nickname, as Wind Deity Cookie simply nods.

As the three deity Cookies scurried over to the stand, Stormbringer Cookie quietly laughs, rubbing her hands together in satisfaction. She turned on her heel, rushing over to the stage she was hearing the rock music come from. Well she did have to sneak away at some point, didn't she? And you didn't actually think she'd want the deity Cookies to come with her, did you?

Stormbringer Cookie's steps come to a halt slowly as she pushed herself through the crowd and stopped at the stage's brim. On stage was a H/C haired Cookie, the lightning-like glow of their E/C eyes giving away how ecstatic they felt while they played a guitar and sang a few verses. The sky god could almost feel the excitement crackle in the air as the Cookies called out to the star on stage. "WE LOVE YOU, C/N COOKIE!" So that's the stunner's name, huh? Stormbringer Cookie has got to admit, they looked fairly attractive for a rockstar. And she did like the sound of their music so far. So staying for a while wouldn't be so bad.


After the concert, Stormbringer Cookie just couldn't wipe the smile off her face as she was beginning to walk away. She had watched the entire thing. It was absolutely awesome! Just like she'd excpect from an S-Tier rockstar... She was the judge all along, and C/N Cookie met all her excpectations. Speaking of which, a familiar voice seemed to make itself present as she turned around to be met with its owner.

"Hey! How'd you like the concert?" C/N Cookie asked, approaching her. Stormbringer Cookie's mind was blank for a split second, which literally never happens! What in the Heavens?! Is it normal for music stars to talk this casually to the ones who watched their concert? But Stormbringer Cookie fastly regained her composure and confidence in speaking.

"It was fairly interesting. I liked it!" C/N Cookie smiles. "Glad you did, uhm.." They stopped in their tracks as they realized they didn't know Stormbringer Cookie's name yet. She had to suppress a laugh at their silliness. "Stormbringer Cookie." She said, for a second forgetting she's not to tell about her title as goddess. Stormbringer Cookie paused when she noticed C/N Cookie putting something into her hands. Their E/C eyes gleamed in a slightly sheepish way. 

"My phone number. You seem like a cool Cookie. Maybe we could get to know each other more." The sky goddess stared in awe at the piece of paper in her palms, her sharp grin growing. "Hah. I accept your humble offer." C/N Cookie chuckles, their nervousness disappearing. "Alright then, I'll be heading off. Hope to talk to you soon, Stormbringer Cookie." With a last wave of the hand, they were gone just as fast as they came. Stormbringer Cookie feels pride swirl within her chest. That went well.

But just as C/N Cookie disappeared, some new voices come into hearing. "YOUR HEAVENLINESS!!" Cloud Deity Cookie's voice calls out to her, the two other deities running up behind him. "Wh-where were you? We were worried sick!" Says Rain Deity Cookie. Even Wind Deity Cookie gave a quiet 'Hmph' in agreement. Stormbringer Cookie still looked at the bit of paper she had been handed, not giving an answer. Then she remembers something. "Deities! You should get me a phone. Now!"



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