HCs: Golden Cheese Cookie

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Headcanons for the goddess of gold! ✨

▽ Flirty. Will literally go out of her way to embarrass you and make you blush. ESPECIALLY in public

▽ tends to brag/vent about how awesome her old kingdom was, and how she misses her friends.

▽ "treasure", "trophy", "sweetheart", "darling" are the most common nicknames with her

▽ sometimes wraps her wings around you to keep you warm <3 (Are her wings part of her body tho?? Idk)

▽ Primadonna. But in a good way cuz she treats you like one too :>

▽ DEFINETELY brags about you when she's with the other Ancients like "Hah! You wish you'd have a S/O like mine don't you?"

▽ Pecks on the cheeks and suprise kisses are a MUST!

▽randomly just picks you up bridal-style and flies you around lol.

▽ The absolute MINIMUM times of 'I love you' is twice a day

▽ Would gift you the sun if she could.

▽ overall sassy protective flirty girlfriend


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