How to make Dark Cacaoians blush

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Did I spell Cacaoians right? Oh well

Dark Cacao Cookie

◆ when he's had a hard day as being king you cuddle/hug to cheer him up

◆he will just close his eyes as you comfort him

◆and while that happens he turns red but doesn't say anything

◆you always notice anyway

Dark Choco Cookie

◼ is extremely touch starved so please hug him oder smth

◼ Boi is just like his Father, except he blushes harder

◼also loves it when you caress his hair

Affogato Cookie

⨀ oh boy... it can be hard. Usually he is the one flirting

⨀but will be red when you hug him from behind, even though he scowls

⨀ pick him up bridal style with a gentle kiss by suprise, more blush and scowling like the partial tsundere he is

⨀ although he likes being the man in the relationship, he liked when you picked him up, not that he would admit that.

Caramel Arrow Cookie

↣ kinda hard?

↣after Training you visit her and she always has a light blush

↣but whenever you kiss, she cant stop herself from smiling while turning red

↣also finds it hot when you look elegant using weapons like a pro

Crunchy Chip Cookie

⨟ too easy.

⨟ just walk up to him and pick him up. Will absolutely scream of flattery once you are gone

⨟ also when you both ride a cream wolf when you hold onto his chest he is glad you cant see his face cuz its exploding

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