Y!Ancients x F!I!DM!Reader Part 2

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I was just enjoying a nice book in my cozy hut when I came to think of past events, again. Well, oh boy where do I start...

After the dark flour war everything has changed. I am no longer a "dark" Cookie. Even though there is now a group of Cookies called the Cookies of darkness, I had discovered that Dark Enchantress Cookie was one of the Ancients, White Lily Cookie. And of course I couldn't side with her after that! However, I still don't like any of the Ancient 'heroes'. By using a book on magic I have found, I can now wield chaos magic! Means my strenght has increased by a ton! But sadly, it's only enough to beat one Ancient. Every now and then, I practice the magic at my hut in the forest, where I live now. It does get lonely sometimes, but I don't mind that much.


(Timeskip brought to you by PV's staff~)

Currently I was taking a walk in the forest. It was eerily quiet, until...


I turned around to see a branch of a tree cracking, with lots of leaves falling out of it, and heard.. voices coming out of it too? "YOU IDIOT! SHE SAW US!" Was that Golden Cheese Cookie?! Yep. Infact, all four of the Ancients were sitting in a tree, watching me. Stalking me. Before they could say anything else, I took two steps back and started running. I don't wanna deal with them again! Before the dark flour war, that last interaction we had was.. Well, I learned they all 'loved' me of some sorts. That was crazy! I do not want to know how or why. But I know for a fact that they were crazy for having that behaviour. If I did not escape, they would've probably locked me somewhere. I just kept on running. However, I bumped into a tree and fell to the ground. Next thing I knew, all of them were surrounding me, their weapons drawn and all of their smiles sickingly sweet. Well, looks like I gotta fight for my freedom now...

...and lost. Hollyberry Cookie had bruised my waist badly, Golden Cheese Cookie stabbed my arm, Dark Cacao Cookie had made me loose a few crumbs of my leg and Pure Vanilla Cookie put me into a 'sleeping' spell. That is the last thing I remember. I don't know what they are going to do to me, but before I completely lost conciousness, I heard them say to bring me to some dungeon. What dungeon? I have no idea.

I woke up in some dark room with stone walls and ground. Oh yeah. This is the dungeon that the Ancients were talking about, right? Looking for my staff, I wanted to teleport away. However I was not able to find it. Crumb! Of course they took away my staff! It was only now that I realized the trouble I was in. I am positive they will just keep me here forever.

Suddenly, the metal door flung open. Pure Vanilla Cookie stepped out of it. "C/N Cookie! I am glad you are alright. We are sorry that we had to bring you here in such a rude manner, but it was the only way.. Anyways, this is where you'll be staying from now on. Worry not, it will become more comfortable just for you." I was starting to panic. But before I could have any thoughts on his words, the other three Cookies entered. "Put the cuffs on her." Pure Vanilla Cookie demanded. Golden Cheese Cookie was quick to fly over to me and put my hands into some weird cuffs. "Now you won't be able to cause any harm with those abilitys of yours. With these cuffs on, you will only be using healing magic like mine. Also, you will follow every command we give you, or else thing might get a little... messy. Understood?"

I had to say yes. I don't wanna know what else they might do to me. And even when I used to, and still am their foe, they do not see that. Hopefully I find a way to escape. So I simply nodded.

And so, I was dragged to every Kingdom. Golden Cheese Cookie made her servants worship me and even made them build me a small statue of myself for her. Hollyberry Cookie introduced me to her family and made me cuddle with her in her dorm while she always played with my H/C locks. Dark Cacao Cookie showed me the great wall along with the licorice sea. And Pure Vanilla Cookie had tea with me and tried to get me to hugs and kisses.


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