Gay Squad + Male!Reader Part 2

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C/N Cookie was a little shocked when his sister said a Dark Cacaoian recorded him. He thought all Cookies from there were honorable and noble. But then again, it is also the kingdom with the most bandits and rogues. Now he knew he was going to fight whoever this really was. Not only for recording him, but a bad feeling lingered in his stomach that this Cookie wanted LGBT communities against him. With a stern face, he turned to his sister's girlfriends. "I want you to take her to a safe place and make sure nothing happens." All of them looked suprised, but he further explained. "Maybe this person has something against me specifically, since they made others hate me. So they might try to hurt my loved ones too." S/N Cookie wanted to protest, but Raspberry Cookie shut her up with a quick peck and all of them left.

The H/C haired male closed the door behind them. Then, with quick footsteps, started running to his secret base. It was full of all sorts of weaponary. C/N Cookie had already built this in his times in war. Just incase the enemy would try to track down the warriors to their homes, he'd always be prepaired. He shook his head and narrowed his eyes. This was serious. A lot of weapons were picked out:

Double pistol guns, a rifle, a combat knife, dart knives, smoke bombs. And his armor consisted of a bulletproof suit with a poison resistant mask, both of which were made of graphene. Obviously he couldn't carry all of these weapons. C/N Cookie decided to hide his combat knife, double pistol guns and bombs in his vest. His dart knifes were tucked into his shoes and sleeves. And lastly, the rifle was put into his briefcase, which he took as an extra since it could be used as shield. Not only would the weapon hiding avoid suspicion, but also be easier to not make much noise when he needs to hide.

Meanwhile elsewhere a group of Cookies has gathered. At first glance, most of them might seem like women, but are actually male. These people consisted of Licorice Cookie, Lilac Cookie, Affogato Cookie, Prune Juice Cookie, Eclair Cookie, Clover Cookie, Cream Unicorn Cookie. All of them together are plotting an attack with the rest of the gay community. This attack is supposed to go to to someone named C/N Cookie, and Affogato Cookie will lead it. Apparently the E/C eyed one disrespected LGBT. First he mistook a few male Cookies to be female on social media, and then got rid of a rainbow resembling pride. Affogato Cookie has taken a video of it. But what none of them know, is that the former royal advisor has lied to them. To gain their trust. But what does he have against C/N Cookie?

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