Light/Darkness + Male!Obsessed!Monster!Reader

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Pure hatred was all C/N Cookie could feel. Why did it have to be like this? How come he only finds out now? The witch... baked the Cookies as food? And while knowing they are alive? That's... cruel! Too cruel.. She needs to be taught a lesson. And if it's the last thing he does!

And so, C/N Cookie seeked power to get revenge on the witches. Killing Cookies to gather might. Now he had gotten rid of some, but it wasn't enough. Why?!  Well fine, if that's how it is.. he doesn't care! He will gather as much power as he needs to find the witch. In his madness, C/N Cookie unconciously started a genoice. His once loved ones begged for him to stop, but he didn't listen. He got rid of them, too. By this time he was known as a monster, and with the power he gained, he slowly turned into one quite literally. With multiple mouths and eyes.  Everyone had to hide, yet they were found. After travelling to the human realm, which he was looking for quite some time, he found her. The witch that baked him and all those other Cookies whose lives he took. She was at least a million times bigger that him, just like how he imagined a 'god'. But she was just the last obstacle in his path, and that wasn't going to stop him.

However, once back in his own realm, he realised there was no one else left except him. He killed them all. One side of him felt happy that he accomplished his goal and killed the witch. But the other side felt regret and sadness. Was this really what he wanted? It was his fault alone, after all. Perhaps this is the price to pay for his actions. To be alone forever. His only choice was to accept that...

Present time, somewhere in the Solarium of Unity...

The ancient heroes and their lifeguards waited for GingerBrave and his friends to arrive. Pure Vanilla Cookie had accidently created a portal leading to an unknown world, however it holds strong power. This force has to be gotten rid of immediatly. But the Cookies of darkness have gathered by Drak Enchantress Cookie's call too. She had felt the power as well and wants to absorb it to defeat her enemies. So now they are waiting for the light Cookies to enter by looking at Pomegranate Cookie's mirror. Then they will use a teleportation spell to go into the portal as well. ....Now!

The Cookies of light had already arrived in the unknown world, and now wandered around in search of the dark force. Everything was covered in moldy jam and dead Cookies laid around. "This.. is quite similar to earthbread, I must say, but..." Golden Cheese Cookie stated as she flew over one of the corpses. They kept on walking, until they saw someone standing in front of them with their back turned. He didn't seem to notice the Cookies behind him, so Pure Vanilla Cookie cautiously spoke up. "Hello? Where are we? Who are you?"

The guy jumped at the voice and turned around. Everyone looked horrified as they were able to see him from the front. This Cookie had four eyes and mouths scattered across his body, making him seem monstrousas he spoke."C/N Cookie.. how?-" Pure Vanilla Cookie felt power radiating off of him. Everybody preapared for battle and took out their weapons. "N-no! Listen, I thought everyone was dead, I don't wanna fight you!" But before anyone could further react, a flash of red and black attacked. It was the Cookies of darkness! Dark Enchantress Cookie used a spell to trap C/N Cookie in jam. He, however reacted quickly and broke free before the jam could harden. The Cookie witch was shocked and tried to trap him again, but to no avail. C/N Cookie and the Cookies of light defeated the dark Cookies easily with combined strenghts.

Pure Vanilla Cookie shoved the enemies back to the portal after the small fight. However C/N Cookie wasn't prepared as the Cookies of light ambushed. He tried to explain himself, but a fight broke out quickly. The guy didn't want to kill them by using his powers, but he had to. These Cookies were stronger than expected. And they had a lot more stamina to keep up with him. 


C/N Cookie's injuries were most severe, to his suprise. But he didn't fight back anymore, which was shocking. After an argument, they decided that C/N Cookie was innocent for now and helped. Pure Vanilla Cookie healed him up and they took him to their world, so he couldn't cause more trouble. He was also given magic cuffs to weaken him. But he didn't mind. The Cookie knew that he was dangerous. Allowance was given for him to walk around the kingdom. As long as he doesn't do anything bad. C/N Cookie was sorry for everything he's done, but maybe it won't be so bad now.

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