Sick!Crème Brûlée Cookie x Shy!Fem!Reader

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Currently I was reading one of my favorite books while sitting on the couch in the living room. As my eyes take in every single word, I contently hum an all-too familiar melody. It's the tune of the song Crème Brûlée Cookie played on the piano on our first date. I still remember that very well. We've been dating for around one and half a year and now live in a grand house together. 

He should be up in our room right now.. probably working on his sheet music or something. He's been working so hard lately.. Maybe I should get him some snacks and he'll take a break. Now, I do remember I've seen him smile slightly when he tried the caramel brownies I made once. Perhaps that'd be able to get him out of our room.


Putting the brownies into the stove, I set the right temperature and close it again. I take the handkerchief off my hand and put it aside. Once they're done, those will be some delicious brownies! Now, just to go get Crème Brûlée Cookie... Hopefully he won't be too busy.


"C-Crème Brûlée Cookie?" C/N Cookie knocks on the door of their shared bedroom hesitantly. She waits patiently for her boyfriend to open up, however that's not what happened. Instead, there was no answer. "Are you okay in there..?" No answer. Geez, C/N Cookie knows she and him both have a rather quiet peronality, but he could at least answer her! She was starting to grow a little worried. Still, it's not like Crème Brûlée Cookie to say nothing at all.

Finally however, the pianist's oddly hoarse voice came from the other side of the door. "..Yes?" C/N Cookie stays silent for a few seconds, wondering why Crème Brûlée Cookie's voice sounded so sore. Although, it's just now she realizes he hasn't spoken for the entire morning.. "A-Are you okay? You.. haven't spoken at all today, and you've been in there since breakfast!" There was a small pause, before Crème Brûlée Cookie spoke again. "I have not. And besides, breakfast wasn't that long ago."

"It's eleven in the morning! We had breakfast three hours ago..." Crème Brûlée Cookie didn't answer his girlfriend this time. "Please at least come out!" Silence. Then, slowly but surely, he creak-opened the door and C/N Cookie was shocked to see how pale he looked. Like he hasn't gotten any sleep at all! How could she not have noticed earlier..?

"Oh my..! Crème Brûlée Cookie, why are you so pale?!" The pianist stared at C/N Cookie blankly. "I.. it is nothing. I just.. seem to have misplaced some of my sheet music." Like the time he was on the holiday express? C/N Cookie had heard that story already. "You look like you're ill... Let me go check your temperature! Don't move!" Not giving Crème Brûlée Cookie any time to give an answer, she rushed to the bathroom to get a thermometer.

After a good thirty seconds, C/N Cookie was right back and immediatly checked her partner's temperature. "...Are you- kidding me?" Crème Brûlée Cookie paused, not quite sure what she was trying to tell him. "I don't think I understand-" "YOU HAVE A FEVER! Get to bed right now, I'll get you water and- and maybe some fruit!" There again, C/N Cookie was gone. The pianist was a little baffled, this seemed a tad out-of-character of his lover. To be so determined, even when it was just helping him. Nontheless, he did as told and went back into his room.

Perhaps, he had really been working too hard lately? Crème Brûlée Cookie was so busy preparing for his concert in two weeks that he didn't even notice he got a fever at all. Welp, still as perfectionist as ever. "Dear?" C/N Cookie's voice snapped him out of his thoughts. She stepped into the room, holding a glass of water and a bowl of fruit. "A-Apparently fruit's good to consume when having a fever.." She hands the bowl to her boyfriend along with a fork, sitting down on the bed right next to him. 

"I'm so sorry.." Crème Brûlée Cookie turns his head as C/N Cookie says this. "What is it that you're apologizing for?" The H/C-ette sighs. "For not seeing that you're sick! How could I not have noticed?!" She asks, more to herself. The pianist hesitantly puts a hand to her shoulder in an attempt of comfort, which he's not very good at in his own opinion. "It's.. nothing you should be worried about or feel sorry for. I didn't realise it myself. I might've been to occupied with my music lately. But that's not your fault. Thank you for taking care of me right now."

C/N Cookie looks like she's taking his words to thought, before sighing again. Though now a smile tugged at her lips. "It's no big deal." She chuckles lightly, leaning toward Crème Brûlée Cookie for a hug, which he gladly returns. That's right.. And she'd take care of him all the time if he needed it!

The two lovers enjoyed each other's warmth, until Crème Brûlée Cookie spoke up. "Huh.. Is it just me, or do I smell something burning?" C/N Cookie paused, checking the air only to realise he's right. "Yeah.. I feel like I'm forgetting about something."



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