The Elemental Legendaries x Male!Reader

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C/N Cookie brought his hand to his face, rubbing his temple in an attempt of calming down, which didn't work out all too well. He is currently having what has to be the WORST of days ever, and he was feeling miserable. Being a familiar of the Elemental Legendaries, he often just travelled around to stay with one of them for a while, and they suprisingly let him. Most anyway. You could say, they were friends with benefits. Although C/N Cookie didn't really mind their titles that much, and didn't just befriend them for abundance or anything. He didn't care about that.

Anyway, today was a meeting between the Elemental Legendaries, and despite not being one of them, C/N Cookie was invited nontheless due to him being pretty powerful and them sharing a bond. And he was planning on getting them gifts of sorts, literally anything that'd show his gratitude, for, well, them. He couldn't help but feel as if he just wasn't anyone worthy of their friendship, despite considering them his friends.

He would've had it all prepared and ready to head off to the City of Wizards' clock tower, where the meeting took place. A pearl and seashell necklace for Black Pearl Cookie, a new staff for Fire Spirit Cookie- since he apparently broke it, a moon-shaped pendant for Moonlight Cookie and many, many more for the others.

And somehow, he managed to lose all the gifts. C/N Cookie has no idea how the heck he was able to do that. But now, here he was, sitting in the corridors of the clock tower, far away from the room the meeting was actually in. Empty-handed, he forbid himself to enter. He hadn't even told anyone he wouldn't join them. The others had already begun, he could hear their chatter distantly. C/N Cookie sighed quietly, running a hand through his smooth H/C hair. What a dilemma, huh...


"Is he here?"


Footsteps echoed, getting closer and closer. So did certain voices.

"There! I found him!"

"Hey! What are you doing?"

C/N Cookie recognized Stormbringer Cookie's voice, and he could sense her kneeling down beside him. Yet, with his face in his hands, he refused to look at her. "I said: What are you doing?" Stormbringer Cookie's somewhat high-pitched voice demanded, as she shook his shoulders lightly in an attempt to get him to look at her. "You're not helping him, idiot." Fire Spirit Cookie stated, unamused.

"Then you do it better!" Moonlight Cookie sighed, pausing her acquaintances' bickering. "Please, do not talk to each other this impolitely." She then also knelt down next to C/N Cookie and Stormbringer Cookie. "C/N Cookie? Are you listening?" Despite wanting to avoid this, he nodded. Gosh, this is embarassing. What a fool he's making out of himself in the presence of the great legendary Cookies.

"May I ask you to remove your hands from your face?" Moonlight Cookie asked patiently. Hesitantly, and very slowly, C/N Cookie obliged and looked at the Cookies around him. Then, it was Stormbringer Cookie's turn to speak again. "So, to answer my question?" The H/C male stayed silent for a few more heartbeats, before responding. "I was... to put it simply, feeling like a bother to you guys, and uh, not worthy."

They all seemed shocked at his words, not having excpected him to say that. "But you've never been a bother to us, dear." Timekeeper Cookie inquired, a suprisingly confused expression on her facial features. "That is correct. Why would you think of something like that?" Millennial Tree Cookie said, continuing as he didn't get a response. "I can assure you that none of us think of you that way."

"Really now?" E/C eyes widened, though C/N Cookie didn't fully believe that. "Really." Sea Fairy Cookie nods, a faint smile playing at her face. Next thing he knows, C/N Cookie is cuddled up in the biggest group hug he ever shared. And he's gotta admit, it feels..nice. Very nice, infact. "You're the bestest friend ever! We love you, C/N Cookie." Said one could feel his face heating up, not quite knowing just how much truth there was in Stormbringer Cookie's words. But, he decided to push that away for now and enjoy his friends' warmth. You know, maybe today wasn't that bad...

(Just a lil' side note: I do NOT consider Dark Enchantress OR the dragons to be legendaries. I know they are in CROB, but I have my difficulties with Dark Enchantress and the dragons are their own group in my opinion.)

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