Pitaya Dragon Cookie x Hollyberrian!Princess!Reader

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"C/N Cookie, do you promise to care for and protect this land with all your might, even if it may cost your life?" Hollyberry Cookie looked proudly upon her granddaughter.

"I promise." It felt like her lungs would burst from all the air she's keeping in at the moment.

"Then, by virtue of the office given to me, I shall crown you princess of the Hollyberry Kingdom." The pink queen placed a tiara onto C/N Cookie's head. Every Cookie in the room started clapping for the new princess. Though her heart swelled with pride, she couldn't help but scan her E/C eyes through the mass of Hollyberians. Still, no sign of them... What did she expect? It wasn't like them to not make a big entrance. So if they were really here, everyone would be informed.

A sigh escaped C/N Cookie's mouth. Because she was always on adventures and busy, her coronation took place way later than it should've. However that was also partially because she wasn't too keen on becoming princess. She knew of the many responsibilities and duties that would come, and she was afraid. Afraid of failing. Her little sister, Princess Cookie, got crowned earlier, but she was still a little too young to be going after royal duties. So C/N Cookie couldn't come to her for any sort of advice.

The Cookie just stood there. She didn't quite know what to do, and certainly wasn't used to this kind of environment. Luckily the attention of her kingdom wasn't on her anymore. The Hollyberrians were now all celebrating. The woman drifted off into her own thoughts and couldn't help but think of them...


"So, you do not seem to be in the mood to party." A familiar voice interrupted C/N Cookie's thoughts. She looked up to see Hollyberry Cookie standing by her side. The queen was holding a glass of berry juice, as she does a lot, her gaze fixated on the crowd of Hollyberians as she continues. "You've never really been one to, anyway. Heh, always so timid and introverted. But just look at how much you've grown.." Now, the Ancient's eyes locked with her relative's. This time C/N Cookie managed to speak up, an embarrassed expression on her face. "Yeah... I've always had trouble with stuff like this. And now.. Now that I'm princess, it only seems even harder to do so. I don't know what is expected from me, nor what I can do to fulfill these expectations.."

Hollyberry Cookie is silent for a bit, something that you don't get often from her. "You don't have anything to worry about, I assure you. You may be dismissed if you wish." C/N Cookie felt her eyes widen. "B-but.. aren't I suposed to stay at my own ceremony?" Her grandmother shook her head. "No, it's fine dear, really. You can leave if you like." The E/C eyed female let out a sigh of reliev. "Thank you.."

The princess goes to her chambers' balcony, feeling in need of fresh air. Her arms hang limply over the railing. Hollyberry Cookie saw right through her. C/N Cookie was afraid of failing to prove herself once crowned princess. And now she is. Once more she is lost in thought as she stares out into the sunset....

"What'cha doing, princesss?"

C/N Cookie jumps back as she hears a well-known hiss and sees a teasing face just inches from her own. "P-pitaya Dragon Cookie! You scared me!" The dragon laughs, spreading their wings while they land next to her. "Well of courssse. After all, most Cookiesss quiver in fear in my mighty presssence! Hah!" It was only now that the H/C haired lady noticed what they had called her before. "Wait-.. How do you know I'm princess now?" Pitaya Dragon Cookie grinned. "With all the ruckusss you Cookiesss are making today, I figured sssomething important mussst be going on."

With a blink, C/N Cookie smiled faintly. "And you didn't show up to not cause panic upon the Hollyberrians, right?" Which is better like that. No one knows about Pitaya Dragon Cookie's and C/N Cookie's relationship. And no one should know, for now. The Hollyberrian Princess looked down. "I'm.. You know I'm scared." She continued, not waiting for a response. "I never knew why I feel this need to do everything right. Now that I'm princess, it might be hard to keep that perfection up."

 Not knowing how else to describe her troubles, she shut her mouth. C/N Cookie's grip around the fabric of her dress tightened as her partner stepped closer. They lifted up her chin, getting her to look them in the eyes. "Come on. Who'sss gonna presssure you, Hollyberry Cookie? I don't think ssso. You ssshouldn't worry that much." C/N Cookie couldn't help but smile, finding the familar hisses a tad reassuring. "Thank you.." She gave them a short hug as a sign of gratitude, before breaking it again. Pitaya Dragon Cookie looked at their girlfriend with a curious smile, trying to change the topic."Tell me. Where there many Cookiesss?"

The two lovers chatted away happily, enjoying one another's presence. Though, neither of them noticed Hollyberry Cookie watching them through a window above. She laughed, but not in any intent to make fun of them. Taking a swift sip of hollyberry juice, she was glad to see C/N Cookie like this. Maybe with Pitaya Dragon Cookie, she would be less scared of failure.

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