Cookies of Light + Male!Obsessed!Monster!Reader

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Hollyberry Cookie was having a party, like she already has often. She invited all of the Cookies of Light and a few friends and relatives of hers. However GingerBrave and his friends couldn't come as they were too busy in the Cookie kingdom, probably preparing for the holidays. So that leaves the ancients and their lifeguards, but I'm allowed to come as well. I was honestly suprised they were being so nice to me after all that's happened, but it seems like all is forgiven. When I arrived however, my opinion on that changed a little. The other Cookies were very scared of my appearence. Luckily the ancients made sure to reassure everyone I meant no harm. They apologized to me, especially Hollyberry Cookie, who was slightly embarrassed of her family. With a sigh, I told them it was okay and I forgave them.

We were all having fun, eating cake, playing games, all that good stuff. I was sitting with Pure Vanilla Cookie and Dark Cacao Cookie, a bit apart from the others. After a while however Hollyberry Cookie whispered something to Golden Cheese Cookie, whereupon the queen of gold snickered with a smirk. They then came over to us. "So, how about we spice things up a little? We want you to drink this berry juice, that way this party will be even better!" A look of uncertainty took place in our faces. Then I put my hand on Dark Cacao Cookie's shoulder. "Sorry bud, but you'll have to get through this alone." I took Pure Vanilla Cookie's hand and teleported away as Dark Cacao Cookie shouted for help whilst Hollyberry Cookie took him by the arm and made him drink juice.


Meanwhile, C/N Cookie and Pure Vanilla Cookie are having tea in the vanilla castle. After taking a sip of the beverage, the king raised his gaze to his friend. "If I may ask, why didn't you take Dark Cacao Cookie with us?" C/N Cookie set down his cup and sighed. "Well, the cuffs have weaken my magic, remember? I can only take one other person with me when teleporting." Pure Vanilla Cookie nodded in understandment. "And another reason is how Dark Cacao Cookie has attacked me the most when we met. You however, were nicer." He looked into the distance. "But I sure hope he's okay. Hollyberry Cookie can be very persistent."

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