The Elemental Legendaries x Male!Reader Part 2

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C/N Cookie stalked through the forest, not doing much and minding his own business. That little dilemma of a few days ago didn't seem to bother him as much as it did then. The Legendaries weren't mad, were they? So all is forgiven. He was still feeling a bit salty his presents came to waste though.

The dirt of the forest ground scrunched underneath C/N Cookie's feet as he slowly came to the last rows of trees. Though, his steps slowed to a halt when he heard thunder roar and rain fall. 'Seriously now?' He huffed out in slight annoyance. Well, maybe he should stay under the trees for cover before leaving the woods. Alas, he knew this was Stormbringer Cookie's doing. With the help of the deity Cookies, C/N Cookie presumes. For what reason though? Or maybe Stormbringer Cookie was just bored again. He had no idea.

As he was busy staring off into the distance, where thunderclouds gathered at the sky, C/N Cookie something floating in the wind. It looked like.. a letter? The piece of paper flew elegantly through the air, until it got stuck in a tree's branch. C/N Cookie stared at it for a bit before looking away again. It's not everyday you see a neatly folded letter in the midst of a forest. But it was none of his business.

..Though, he was curious. So he swiftly climbed up the tree, snatched the letter and hopped down again. Curse his curiosity getting the best of him. C/N Cookie opened the letter and scanned through it with his eyes. To his suprise, its contains weren't what he has excpected.

Dear C/N Cookie, ...


A letter from Wind Archer Cookie. First of all, it wasn't very suprising he knew C/N Cookie was in a forest right now. Perhaps he could sense it? Who knows. And second, it appears C/N Cookie's been invited to a celebration by the Legendaries. This is... an odd way to deliver invitations, despite being excpected. Also, where-


"GAH-!" C/N Cookie yelps at hearing a voice behind him so suddenly. When he turns however, he realizes that it's just Stormbringer Cookie. A wide, mocking grin was on her face. "Hehe! Got ya good, didn't I?! You should've seen your face, scaredy cat!" C/N Cookie grumbled. "I'm not a scaredy cat.. You just have a odd liking to scaring Cookies sometimes.."

Stormbringer Cookie laughs. "So, did you get Wind Archer Cookie's invitation?" She peeked at the piece of paper in C/N Cookie's hands. "Looks like you did." The H/C-ette gives a nod. "Yes, but... it didn't say anything of the location or.." Stormbringer Cookie immediatly interrupts him. "Well that's because the party'll be up in the clouds, dummy!" She scoops him up in her arms, earning a yelp and reddening face from C/N Cookie. "What are you-" "Well how else will you get to the sky? I'll teleport you with the help of thunder!"


 "Alright! Were here!" Stormbringer Cookie put down C/N Cookie onto an oddly solid ground of fluffy clouds. He felt a little dizzy, due to this happening so quickly and the fact that he felt like he almost got toasted by lightning. Just what was that?! Stormbringer Cookie and her shenanigans.. As his eyes adjusted, he saw the other Legendaries gathered around too. "Are you alright, C/N Cookie?" Asked Sea Fairy Cookie in a nonchalant tone, yet she still seemed a tad worried. "Yes, yes.. I'm fine.." C/N Cookie caught his breath. "Okay then, now that that's done, let the festivities begin!" Fire Spirit Cookie's voice echoed.


They spend a good amount of time playing games, drinking(BERRY JUICE), and just hanging out. C/N Cookie felt really odd the entire time, despite enjoying the celebrations. I mean, come on! These are Legendary Cookies, literal gods, just laughing and playing around like normal friends. They are friends though, so it might be common considering they share a high rank?

Anyhow, they were now just sitting around and talking. Suddenly, the Legendaries went quiet one by one, as if they've realized something. C/N Cookie looked around in confusion, wondering what got them so silent. "What?" Moonlight Cookie was whispering in Sea Fairy Cookie's ear, as even Fire Spirit Cookie seemed a bit nervous. But he hid it by a grin. "So.. Suppose we've got something to tell you, huh C/N Cookie?" Stormbringer Cookie hit the back of his head. "Not like that!" C/N Cookie's confusion just grew.

"Why are you all looking at me like that?" The E/C eyed male asked. The silence stretched out further, until Moonlight Cookie spoke up. "C/N Cookie. Perhaps we haven't been honest about our friendship the past days." Frost Queen Cookie looked like she was gonna melt if she withstood this any longer. Her too? The Guardian of Nature never loses her cool. The Legendaries all shared a look, then Moonlight Cookie gave her word again.

"We love you! Truly, deeply, and sincerely."

'Say what now?' C/N Cookie's face immediatly heated up. "W-WHAT?!" Timekeeper Cookie chimed in. "And we want you all to ourselves!" "Timekeeper Cookie! That's a lame way of delivering that." Fire Spirit Cookie said, in an unamused manner. "Not as lame as you!" Stated Stormbringer Cookie. "Oh you-"

The three legendary Cookies started a bickering war, as the others watched. Only C/N Cookie was still replaying Moonlight Cookie's words in his head over and over again. Until Millennial Tree Cookie turned to him and the ones not fighting. "So are we what the mortal Cookies call 'dating' now?" Aaaand here C/N Cookie's face changed into 47489 shades of red once more.

(Help I kinda accidently turned the focus entirely on Stormbringer Cookie at first and so I had to rewrite what took me a good 40 minutes. 😶)

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