Y!Timekeeper Cookie x Reader

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Time... sure is a funny thing, don't you agree? Sometimes you want to change the past, then you're afraid of the future. However, staying in the present might also bring up discontent to your mind. So nobody really likes to be in any of the timelines. But what would happen when someone decided to mess with all of them?


C/N Cookie couldn't help but feel uncomfortable walking down the sidewalk alone. The streets were empty, which just made the surroundings kinda more lonely. Croissant Cookie fell ill today, so they were all alone on work. Not that they needed her help anyway. Just... no one to tell how paranoid they once again felt about time. Their thoughts were bottling up in their head like a beaver dam that holds back water. But Anyway, enough of that! Today their duty was to fix the big clock tower. Apparently it had stopped ticking a while ago. Sighing, the Cookie with E/C eyes arrived at the bottom of it. They opened the door and started climbing up the many steps, all the way to the top. Oh boy, that took quite a while, even when they're a pretty fit one and totally not out of shape. Panting, C/N Cookie opened another door to the heart of the tower, where they could see the inside. "Well, let's get to work.."

"Phew! Finally done. Aaand the clock is ticking again, yay." C/N Cookie closed up their toolbox. "Hello there! You must be Croissant Cookie's friend." What was that?! Turning and looking around hectically, they spotted a figure floating a few feet away. She looked quite... interesting. "Who are you?!" The strange Cookie giggled. "My name is Timekeeper Cookie! It's a pleasure to meet you, dear." E/C eyes narrowed, C/N Cookie didn't reply. "Hm, a quiet one, huh? Hehe, I find that amusing! Anyway, I noticed how you seem to be dissatisfied with the present. Do you want me to change it?" Finally, a single word was able to make its way out of C/N Cookie's mouth. "Why?" "You mean why I would do that? Well, if you want something to change, you usually have to wait. And waiting is pure boredom! Also, I find Cookies worrying about time funny!"

Timekeeper Cookie stuck out their hand for C/N Cookie to take. But they swatted it away. "No, I'm not gonna follow a stranger anywhere. You're crazy." A shadow casted over Timekeeper Cookie's face, but it soon disappeared, her expression not changing all the while. "No matter! You'll wanna come with me someday, which might be sooner than you expect. Even when I can control that, I shall grant you some more time to think about it. Until then, dear!" Unexpectedly, Timekeeper Cookie placed a kiss on C/N Cookie's lips and disappeared quickly.

"How peculiar..." Timekeeper Cookie wasn't able to shake off the strange feeling she had about C/N Cookie. Nontheless, she kinda liked it. When they looked each other in the eyes... E/C met yellow. It was like she was struck by a time rift. Although it felt warm. She found that Cookie quite interesting, indeed. Surely travelling through time would be more fun with C/N Cookie around. Yes. That's what Timekeeper Cookie wanted. For them to be by her side for eternity. Her smile grew wider at the thought. "Don't worry, I will be back."

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