Chapter 49

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After waiting for a few hours, the sensations in my legs began to gradually return, prompting me to cautiously rise up while clutching onto the counter to support my body weight. It appears as though I've been dozing off. After all of that hard labor, I'm sure Colton is going to be starving, so I need to rush up and get some dinner on the table for him.

I remove some meat from the freezer and place it in the sink, where I start the defrosting process while running hot water over the meat.

After retrieving a bag of rice from the refrigerator, I placed some of it into the rice cooker and let it to begin cooking before slowly taking a seat at the table to wait for Colton to arrive.

Cain is dragging the new women into the kitchen as the door that divides the kitchen from the living room swings open. I raise my head just enough to see what's happening.

She is attempting to keep up with him while scratching his hand off of her arm, but she isn't getting very far before he swings her body into the kitchen, causing her to slide along the floor. She is struggling to follow behind him.

He yelled at her to "Get the fuck up wife" before turning his attention to me. "Get the fuck up wife."

Have you already begun eating lunch yet? While he was pulling the poor woman up by her hair and shoving her onto a seat at the table, he asked me.

I responded to him with "Yes," saying that "I'm making rice and gravy."

It's now 12:15, so it ought to be cooked by now. He informs me with a glum expression on his face that "lunchtime has passed."

I tried to explain to him that I needed to complete my list of chores before I could get started, but he cut me off abruptly.

"When your spouse handed you the list, you had every intention of completing the tasks on it!" He hisses angrily in my direction.

"I-I know-"

Coltons steps inside just as the door from the backyard swings open, and he immediately looks over to his brother.

"What exactly is the issue?""

Before entering the kitchen, he poses the question as he is in the process of removing his boots.

"It looks like your wife is going to be late for cooking lunch. Didn't she learn anything from this experience? I mean, she stayed down in the basement for a month—isn't that a pretty long amount of time? Shouldn't she have been kept down there for a longer period of time?" He asks Colt and chooses his arms while making a revolted grimace at the new girl as he examines her.

"My wife listened to what I ordered her to do. When I left her in the kitchen, she was so weak that she couldn't even walk. Even though she could barely move, she went in and cleaned out both the refrigerator and the freezer. "So, to tell you the truth, you should count yourself lucky that she is cooking at all," he adds as he walks up to me and kisses the top of my head.

"I'm delighted you got your chore done Wife" He gives me a charming smile before reaching down and gently caressing the corner of my lips.

I give him a kind smile because I enjoy it when he compliments me, and I convince myself that I'm fulfilling my role as a wife by making my husband happy.

After 25 minutes, when the food was finished cooking and Colton had gone upstairs to quickly shower the dust and dirt away, I slowly got up from my seat, feeling my legs wobble for a few seconds before I grabbed the plates and four cups for the drinks. Colton had gone upstairs to quickly shower the dust and dirt away.

After removing the milk from the refrigerator, I pour it into each of the glasses, then arrange them in a circle on the table. After that, I begin to prepare Colton's plate of food before I prepare my own.

Cain is the one who should fix him; I'm not his wife, thus it's not my responsibility to do it.

In a normal setting, the women are responsible for cleaning all of the plates, but I'm too worn out and in too much pain to worry about Cain or even the new girl. Sorry to say that.

Colton walks into the kitchen, where he sits down at the table next to me while flashing a kind smile at me.

"Wife, this is appealing to the eyes and the nose. He says this as he picks up his fork and places a portion of rice on it before taking a bite, and then adds, "Hopefully, you didn't overdo it on the pepper once again."

"Very good! You have picked up on it. He mutters something around the bite of food as he describes how delicious it is.

I show him a huge grin since it makes me glad that he thinks my cooking is good.

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