CHAPTER - 31 🔞

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In the evening, Nan took Mac along to take Mac's father to dinner, choosing a riverside restaurant with a good atmosphere, suitable for families.

"I can't come tomorrow," Mac's father said as they ate together.

- That's okay, Dad, Mac replied, because it wasn't the first time he couldn't drive him.

-But you're going to send Mac, right? Mac's father asked Nan.

"I won't," Nan replied, making Mac immediately turn to look at Nan, his brow furrowed before a chuckle escaped his throat.

- I'm not going, probably he won't go either. After that, he turned to look me in the eye, Nan said.

- Damn it, Mac cursed angrily, Mac's father was standing there grinning.

- When you return? Mac's parent continued.

Probably in three months, Mac replied, and his father nodded.

- Next year has passed, Mac's father said with a smile, which caused a smile.

- Yes, father, next year you will come back so we can both go to work. All right Nan said and Mac smiled.

- Oh, Uncle Mac, hello.

It was Ten's voice, that he was only greeting the two of them, but Nan didn't care. them

-Who were you with? Mac's father asked politely.

- I was with friends. I happened to look around and recognized you.

- Mac is coming back to America, so we all had dinner together, answered Mac's father.

- You come back? So when are you coming back? Ten asked.

"In three months," Mac replied, seeing a cold nod.

- You can have a flight to talk about work in America. I will come to see you.

Seeing him speak, Nan looked at his face and said nothing. Mac just smiled. Before Muoi's friend called, Muoi asked to leave.

Tough boy, Nan said nonchalantly.

"Don't worry about it," Mac's father said, not wanting Nan to get angry with Ten.

The three sat down to eat their fill, Nan and Mac led him to their father. Mac goes home. Father Mac said goodbye to his son for a moment. You two are right back in your own house.


The bedroom door opened and Mac appeared.

What the hell, did you just take a shower? Nan asked as she saw Mac wrapped a towel around his bottom and applying lotion to his body.

- Well, it's sticky, Mac replied.

I let Mac go back into the room. As for Nan, she went to give orders to her subordinates first because she was definitely not going out tonight. He wants to make the most of the time he spends with his lover.

- No more waiting .... Or are you afraid of something? Nan pretended to smile and asked.

- Oh, someone took me to the bathroom.....I don't know why you like that stuff in the bathroom, Mac said bluntly.

Because Mac knows that he and his boyfriend are going to do something really hot tonight, and Mac is clean now. Then Nan smiled and walked over to his boyfriend and hugged Mac from behind.

- There is a mirror in the bathroom. I want you to see your own face. When I pull you, he said as he leaned in to kiss him.

He climbed onto Mac's shoulder until he shivered briefly.

Nan & Mac Book 2 (Love Syndrome)Where stories live. Discover now