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-What happened, Mac? Teresa's voice was heard.

He was a waiter at the same restaurant where Mac works part-time.

-Nothing Why? Mac asked.

- Well, I see that you are not very focused. You just misspelled the client menu, didn't you? Teresa asked.

Scowling at Mac, he let out a soft sigh.

-Hm, something bothered me a little. But it's not a big deal, Mac replied with a soft smile, but Teresa still looked at him worriedly.

-Sure, do you want to sit down and rest a little? I'll tell the manager so I can help you.

Mac hesitated a little. Finally, he nodded.

Mac then went to the back of the restaurant to rest in the employee lounge. Mac sighed softly and picked up the phone to look at him, Nan hadn't called him since lunch, now in Thailand it's probably around 8am.

Mac admits that he feels hurt by his boyfriend, but he's not really mad. Mac himself intended tonight, if he called Nan, to answer, but he did not call again.

- Are you still not awake or just haven't slept? Mac grumbled, but didn't think to call.

How will you find someone you love? Mac sat down and rested for a while, then went to wash his face and went back to work.

- Do you want to come get something to eat first? Tan asked when he came to bring Nan home at 9am because last night Nan was at the hospital taking care of Keith.

After Nan hung up the phone, she picked up her phone quickly the underlings to go help Keith, who was shot and ran under the bridge with the other two bodyguards who were also wounded.

Nan immediately took her best friend to the hospital. Fortunately, the bullet didn't hit a critical point and now Keith is resting in the hospital's recovery room, with Keith's men taking care of him.

- I'm going home, I can't take it anymore, Nan said because she was sleepy and still tired.

He was also still sick, but he remained there to manage the affairs of the hospital and remained to take care of his barely asleep friend.

In the morning, when Keith woke up, Nan spoke to his friend about what had happened and learned that he had been attacked by his lover's enemy. But he thinks his boyfriend will probably take care of this problem.

Tan took Nan straight home. Nan wanted to call Mac, but his body couldn't accept it, so he went up to his room and immediately laid down.

Your cell phone is also out of battery.

Nan slept a lot and woke up again at 1pm. He felt a little better so he got up to shower and change his clothes. He took out his cell phone and saw that the battery was dead and Nan quickly put the phone on charge.

At first, he planned to call Mac, but realized that Mac was probably already asleep at this point. So Nan didn't call to bother him, which upset him because he still hadn't reconciled with Mac. He didn't know how his lover was doing. How far will your thoughts go?

Trim... Trim... Trim...

The sound of the cell phone's voice made him lean over to look, causing Nan to answer the phone immediately.

-What happens? Nan said on the phone to Ohm.

(-Did you just wake up?) Ohm asked back.

-Um, just now. So you haven't slept yet? Did you call me for something? Nan asked immediately.

(-Nothing. I just called to say your wife looks like a dog. I put him to sleep in the room a long time ago.)

Ohm spoke, silencing Nan immediately.

Nan & Mac Book 2 (Love Syndrome)Where stories live. Discover now