Chapter 1: The Wedding Invitations

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As dusk descends, the tranquil university campus basks in the soft glow of moonlight. Dormitories stand like silent sentinels against the night, with the distant chirping of crickets adding to the air of serene solitude.

Inside a college dorm for two, Gabriel's roommate is lost in slumber. Gabriel himself, restless and uneasy, twists and turns amidst the chaos of his bedcovers. The room breathes youth - its walls adorned with posters, a desk cluttered with books, academic paraphernalia, an electronic sports watch, and, notably, an elegant wedding invitation.

The invitation, partly obscured under a pile of books, reveals just enough to show the elegantly printed words: "A decade of friendship blossoms into love." Nearby, a handwritten letter peeks out: "Mom knows you've been dodging this day, but I truly hope for your blessing at my wedding with Marcus on March 14. Marcus would be thrilled, I can feel his genuine warmth and sincerity, towards both you and me..." The sports watch nearby ticks to: March 12, 11:59 PM.

In bed, Gabriel's face is a mask of tension, his brows knitted, his breaths short and quick. He's clearly not sleeping well, perhaps trapped in the grip of a nightmare.

Outside a grand hotel, luxury cars glide in one after the other. Elegantly dressed guests step out, exchanging greetings as they enter the establishment. The hotel's entrance boasts a grand display, elegantly announcing, "A decade of friendship blossoms into love. Welcome to Elina Taylor and Marcus Robertson's wedding."

In a taxi, Gabriel clutches the wedding invitation. Gazing at the approaching hotel and the stream of lavish cars, he tucks the invite away and tells the driver, "Just stop here at the curb. With all these cars, it might be hard for you to get out."

Alighting from the taxi, Gabriel navigates through the crowd to the hotel's entrance. He briefly gazes at the display "A decade of friendship blossoms into love" and strides into the lobby. The lobby hosts a massive backdrop proclaiming the same heartfelt message. "Has it really been ten years?" Gabriel murmurs, his mind drifting to a spring morning from ten years prior.

"Elina, honey, don't be mad. Just hear me out first," pleads Father Jonathan, nervously ruffling his slightly unkempt curls, trying to muster a conciliatory smile. 

Mother Elina, icy and distant, confronts her just-arrived husband: "Jonathan, how many times now? Another night not home. You've become a stranger this year." Facing away from Gabriel, hidden in the shadowy corner of the upstairs landing, she's unaware of his watchful eyes. Her trembling shoulders betray her turmoil.

 "It's all for my career. You have your business, and we artists have our music," Father quips, attempting to lighten the mood as he steps inside. 

"Career? At nearly 40, you suddenly chase a youthful dream to be a wandering singer?" Mother counters, blocking his path. 

"It's touring, not wandering. There's a huge difference in our music circle..." Father chuckles, trying to elaborate, but Mother cuts him off. 

"Enough!" Her voice sharpens, then cools to a frosty calm: "We've argued enough this year, Jonathan. I'm done arguing. Just let it be." She sidesteps him, grabs her bag and coat, opens the door, and quickly exits, leaving only her fading silhouette.

The click of doors echoes as the right side of the lobby opens up, revealing a conference hall grand enough for a thousand guests. The slow swing of the large wooden doors draws all eyes, including Gabriel's, pulling him from his reverie. The hall, now an opulent European-style auditorium, is clearly the wedding venue. Waiters weave through the crowd with champagne and drinks. A mature, elegantly dressed woman with golden hair and striking blue eyes, framed by classy rimless glasses, enters the scene. Her proud, cool aura is palpable even from afar. Arm in arm with a dignified gentleman over 50, she gracefully greets the guests, heading towards the central microphone stand for a speech.

Gabriel inhales deeply, preparing to move forward when suddenly, a tug from behind. He turns to find a pair of vivid green eyes: "Gabriel, I knew you'd come." 

"Sophie!" Gabriel's face lights up with relief. "Why are you alone? Not with my Mom?" He takes in the sight of the seventeen-year-old beauty, now mature beyond her years, her hair elegantly styled. "You look so grown-up today; I almost miss your twin ponytails." 

"It's Aunt Elina's big day, and I couldn't do much to help, besides..." Sophie's eyes cloud with complexity, "I have something to tell you."

 At that moment, a stir from the backdrop wall diverts their attention, just as the microphone is snatched from its stand.

 A screech of feedback pierces the air, drawing all eyes to the man now wielding the microphone. His natural curly hair slightly messy, in jeans and a casual shirt with a conspicuous gold chain (perhaps ostentatious), he flicks his hair and grins: "Ten years of knowing, now love's true flowering. On this auspicious day of my ex-wife Elina Taylor's remarriage, as her former spouse, I offer this heartfelt song." As soon as he finishes speaking, he mysteriously produces a baseball cap, puts it on backward, and starts rapping: "Yo, Yo, hey, witness my feat, In this grand moment, I lay down the beat. Forget yesterday's tears, embrace today's cheer, At the wedding, let's dance, spread the joy far and near.

As the wedding bells chime, here's my rhyme, Quirky, yes, but in tune with the time. From bitter to sweet, like champagne's allure, Glasses raised, we celebrate life's tour.

I'm no star, but my heart sings, In this song of joy, my spirit takes wings. Forget the sorrows, let happiness reign, On this special day, under the moon, we dance again!

My song may be odd, but bear with me, please..."

As the discordant rap unfolds, Gabriel's mouth drops open in disbelief, eventually uttering a stunned, "My goodness!" Feeling his hand being taken, cousin Sophie pulls Gabriel through the crowd, rushing into the elevator. She hits the top floor button, and as the doors close, the lobby fades from view. The elevator swiftly ascends, and for a brief moment, both remain silent. Gabriel, still stunned, hears a distant buzz in his ears.

 Sophie gently tugs his hand again, and as he looks at her, her voice seems to come from afar. "Remember the car accident when I was 12? Dad was driving Mom and me home when a drunk truck hit us." Gabriel nods blankly, to which Sophie smiles faintly: "I should've died then." 

With a 'ding', the elevator opens to the rooftop observation deck. Sophie leads Gabriel to the edge, lets go of his hand, smiles softly, and climbs atop the 2-meter-high glass barrier. With an ethereal voice, she calls out, "Now, I'm going to another world. I'll wait for you there." Then, gracefully, she turns and leaps.

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