Chapter 25: The First Voyage Across Realms

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Sky sat, fingers interlocked beneath his chin, leaning forward in rapt attention, absorbing every word of Echo's explanation.

Echo, pleased with Sky's eagerness, nodded approvingly and began his exposition: "Most players, even the seasoned ones, are only aware of how to utilize the Source of the World and World Rule Fragments. They haven't delved into the essence of these mystical elements, seeing them as mere expendable values in their player stats.

But what truly are they? That remains a mystery. My theory? They're likely boons bestowed by the system, granting players an edge over the native inhabitants of these fantastical worlds – a sort of extrinsic system perk.

Take teleportation, for instance. Moving from our reality into the realm of Aethercross requires a certain quota of these mystical sources and fragments. The same applies when forging divine artifacts in the Star City, consuming universal sources and fragments from across the realms. And when you first retrieve such an item in a new realm, it demands an equivalent exchange from that specific world's resources.

Even more intriguing is the ability to instantly learn magical skills in a magical realm, trading fragments for immediate mastery, or using the Source to cast spells when mana runs dry.

My speculation? Under the right conditions, the system can transform the Source into tangible, material constituents of these plane worlds – energy, matter, and beyond. Similarly, Rule Fragments could coalesce into intangible wisdom – the skills, knowledge, and insights unique to each realm.

Yet, this remains a hypothesis. I offer it merely as a thought, a guiding light in the vast unknown.

But imagine if it's true – each traversal could mean the system erases our existence from one world and reconstructs us in another, using these arcane sources and fragments. A chilling thought indeed."

Sky, after a moment of contemplation, nodded in agreement, his eyes wide with realization, "Indeed, it's a daunting concept. But it sheds light on the restrictions surrounding the use of resurrection items on natives due to their link with these precious resources."

Internally, Sky was resolute about acquiring a resurrection item or skill, especially to revive Raimondo, lost within the realm of dream coins.

Echo, lifting his cup for a sip, mused, "Best not to dwell too much on these mysteries. We're mere players in this grand scheme, unable to alter the system's designs. Yet, heed my warning: resurrection artifacts are treasures rare. If fortune smiles upon you with such a find, use it wisely. It's best kept as a trump card for dire times.

No need for immediate concern, though. Newcomers are spared from lethal trials for the first three months in real-world time. Use this grace period to strengthen yourself. With luck and skill, you might even come across a resurrection item in that span." Echo took another sip, lost in thought.

Sky interjected, perplexed, "But my initiation trial was a death-type."

Echo choked on his drink in shock, coughing out, "What?!"

After regaining composure, he urged, "Elaborate on this trial of yours. I've never heard of such a thing for a newbie."

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