Chapter 56: The Wolf King Lumiya

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In the central command tent, a diminutive guard was passionately discussing strategy over a sand table, with the Saint King and the Holy Maiden listening intently, nodding in agreement.

Finally, Xavier finished his tactical exposition, looking expectantly at Sky (Yudel), eager for the Saint King's thoughts on his discourse.

Sky (Yudel) stood, approached him, and clapped Xavier on the shoulder. "Brilliant, I believe we can proceed with your plan for the upcoming battle. However, you might be a tad conservative. With your strategy, I'm confident we can cripple the enemy's 300,000-strong Darkwater army in one fell swoop."

"Cripple 300,000 troops at once? Isn't that a bit..." Xavier hesitated.

Sky (Yudel) laughed heartily. "You're not familiar with the combat methods of me and the Wolf Cavalry. Just wait and see on the battlefield."

Lilith (Lilianna) added with a smile, "Nor are you acquainted with the Demon Hunter Legion's combat strength and tactics. This force is unlike any army on the Pan continent. Also, this will be the first large-scale deployment of the Holy Light Priest Corps on this world's battlefields. Their performance will indeed surprise the Darkwater army."

The trio continued to refine their military arrangements, tweaking specific tactics until Sky (Yudel) finalized the battle plan.

Suddenly, the tent flap was flung open, and Iwan, the leader of the Wolf Cavalry, rushed in. "Saint King, you must see this—something has happened to the Wolf King Moonshadow!"

Sky (Yudel) frowned, "What happened?"

Iwan hesitated, "I'm not sure how to explain. It's best if you see for yourself."

Sky (Yudel) nodded, then turned to Xavier, "You're now my military advisor. Report to Chief Strategist Chester and tell him to immediately gather the generals for a council. From now on, you'll attend all military meetings."

Then to Iwan, "Lead the way. Let's see what's going on."

Iwan hurried Sky (Yudel) and Lilith (Lilianna) to the Wolf Cavalry's camp, to a large tent in the center.

Theoretically, this tent belonged to Sky (Yudel) since, despite Iwan leading the Wolf Cavalry, it was a special force personally trained by Yudel, making him the command leader. The Wolf King Moonshadow was Yudel's mount.

Unlike typical cavalry, the Wolf Cavalry shared tents with their mounts to foster synergy and quick response to emergencies. Since Yudel became the Saint King after defeating Bakker, he moved into the central command tent, leaving this one for Moonshadow alone.

As magical beasts, wolves have their cultivation system. At level one, they're physically robust; by level two, they gain sentience. Reaching level five, they can take human form, although maintaining it consumes spiritual energy. Only at level seven, equivalent to a human's seventh stage of Nascent Soul cultivation or a level seven legendary mage, can they freely shift into true human form without constant energy expenditure.

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