Chapter 9: Return to the City

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The transport vehicle sped through the landscape, with Max and his squad having opened their faceplates for better access to their wounds. They adeptly activated the medical modules on their battle suits, pulling out various first-aid items to tend to their injuries.

Before tending to his wounds, Hank had removed his battered battle armor. The injuries that would be considered severe for an ordinary person were only minor for a genetically enhanced soldier like him. Yet, the pain was relentless. As he cursed the mutants under his breath, Hank winced while disinfecting and swiftly bandaging his wounded left arm, securing it with gauze and straps as a temporary fix.

Emily, with the lightest injuries, ignored her minor wounds and focused on assessing the condition of the two surviving researchers. She quickly concluded, "They're not critically injured. A few days of treatment at the base hospital should have them on the mend."

Turning to Sky, she offered, "How's your wound? Let me help you with that armor and get it treated."

With her help, Sky removed his armor and began to treat his injuries, all the while casting glances at Arachne, who was silently crying beside them.

Sky, who once lived as a university student in a peaceful era, now found himself in a starkly different world. Unsure how to comfort the grieving girl, he gently approached her and said softly, "Arachne, I know it's incredibly hard for you right now, and I understand your sorrow. But trust me, I'll take care of you. I promised your father to protect you, and I'll honor that promise."

Arachne, amidst her tears, slowly lifted her head, her tearful eyes reflecting a mix of vulnerability and grief. Although she couldn't see clearly, she seemed to feel Sky's sincerity and compassion. Trembling and sniffling, she replied, "Thank you, Sky. I know, in this era, no one controls their destiny. Dad said it's a time when ordinary people can face sudden life-threatening changes. We've been fortunate compared to many. But he was all the family I had. Raised in his lab, I... I don't know where to go or what to do now. I'm all alone."

After treating Sky's wound, Emily patted him and sighed softly, returning to her seat with an encouraging nod to Sky.

Understanding her gesture, Sky hesitated momentarily, then gently embraced Arachne with his right arm, patting her shoulder reassuringly, "You're not alone. If you want, you can always stay with me."

Arachne's body momentarily stiffened, and then she gently laid her head on Sky's shoulder.

In the moment the girl leaned on him, Sky was enveloped by a subtle, indescribable feeling, like the warm embrace of the sun, providing immense comfort.

Not dwelling on it, Sky, aiming to comfort Arachne, spoke in a light-hearted tone, "You know, I've lost my parents too, but I have a younger brother named Raimondo. He's quite a character - always dreamed of having a little sister. Now that you're here, his dream's finally come true. By the way, how old are you?"

Arachne seemed to brighten a little at his words, replying, "I'm 17."

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