Chapter 54: You've Crossed Over Too?

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When Yudel raised his longsword, an impression magic circle lit up, magnifying his image and projecting it into the air above the military camp, allowing every Firefeather warrior to clearly see the scene.

This was a one-handed shortsword, no more than 80 centimeters in total length, with the blade itself about 60 centimeters. The sword was simple yet elegant in design, well-proportioned, showcasing its unique craftsmanship.

With a flick of his wrist, the shortsword danced with grace, its brilliance overflowing, reminiscent of a lotus emerging from the water in early summer—fresh, elegant, and dazzling. The patterns on the sword, reflecting the changing light, sparkled like the brilliant stars in the night sky; the glow on the blade, deep yet restrained, was like overflowing pond water, shimmering in the light. Yet, the sword itself felt as solid as rock, unbreakably firm.

Decorated with mysterious and profound black diamond-shaped geometric patterns, the sword resembled a star-studded night sky, exuding an aura of ancient power. Most eye-catching were the ancient divine runes etched on the upper half of the blade on both sides, emitting a thick air of mystery. Most peculiarly, when Yudel swung the shortsword, the rules of the universe itself seemed to resonate with it, the divine runes glowing brightly, making its ancient message clear to all who saw it: "To inherit the mandate of heaven, to enlighten all people."

The Sword of the Heavenly Son!

This legendary weapon, steeped in countless tales from the history of this continent, was not seen by many, but nearly everyone on the Pan continent grew up listening to its stories, familiarizing themselves with it.

The most legendary tale was that when the Sword of the Heavenly Son was held by the chosen one, its divine runes could harmonize with the laws of the universe, projecting their meaning into the consciousness of every person. And legend has it, the meaning of these runes was exactly that: "To inherit the mandate of heaven, to enlighten all people."

At this moment, the Saintess Lilith slowly approached Yudel, placing her hands gently on his shoulders.

In the sky, a pure, sacred light shone forth, devoid of colorful spectacles or intricate designs, coming from an infinitely distant place, piercing through the heavens and earth, and landing atop Yudel's head.

After a moment, a faint halo appeared behind Yudel's head, like an angel of holy light from the legends. The pure sacred light converged, pouring into the halo, which then vanished into the back of Yudel's head.

Lilith's melodious voice sounded, "Young general, you are the chosen of the holy light. You will wield the authority of the holy light, becoming the Sacred King who walks among us, spreading the blessings of the holy light to every corner of the world." As she spoke, Lilith placed her right hand over her left chest, performing a traditional blessing gesture of the Church of the Holy Light: "May the Holy Light bless you."

The Church of the Holy Light was rapidly expanding in the southeastern region of the Pan continent, with many followers within the borders of the Firefeather nation, including a significant number within the Firefeather military itself.

As Lilith completed the holy light blessing ceremony for Yudel, many devout followers of the holy light also placed their right hands over their left chests, slightly bowing towards Yudel and saying in succession, "May the Holy Light bless you."

Then, the leader of the Demon Hunter Legion's formation at the forefront made his way to Yudel. He removed his helmet, revealing a young, handsome face with a solemn and resolute expression, and knelt on one knee, proclaiming loudly, "I, Judah, Legion Commander of the Demon Hunters, hereby pledge allegiance to you on behalf of the Demon Hunters, to be your sharpest spear and your most formidable halberd. Wherever you point, we shall charge. Long live the Sacred King."

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