Chapter 17: The Siege

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The metallic gate opened slowly, its deep, resonant echo filling the vast, empty armory. A sliver of shimmering light sneaked through the parting gates, signaling the beginning of a fierce and merciless battle. A palpable tension hung in the air as every genetic warrior in the room froze, breaths held in anticipation of what the opening of this metal gate signified.

As the gates fully opened, a figure clad in heavy, high-density alloy armor emerged, resembling a moving fortress – both steadfast and formidable. Each step he took resounded heavily and firmly, as if echoing in the hearts of the onlookers, stirring their very souls. The armor's silver-white hue, under the lights, took on an even more chilling aspect, exuding an air of indomitable authority.

Colonel Reynolds stepped out of the armory, effortlessly lifting an alloy battle axe, so heavy that it normally required the combined strength of four power-type genetic warriors to barely lift it. Now resting casually on his shoulder, the axe seemed to harbor a latent destructive force. As he slowly raised it, the light danced along the blade's edge, reminiscent of the Grim Reaper's scythe, ready to harvest lives.

On his left forearm, a shield that was previously folded now unfurled, its edges gleaming menacingly under the light, as if eager to slice through any foe that dared to obstruct its path.

This was the exclusive armor of combat awakeners, the Dragon Slayer IV model. Every combat-experienced warrior was familiar with its details, dreaming of the day they might wear it. Forged from ultra-high-density alloy, it provided unmatched resistance to impacts and heat, and exceptional defense. Its significant weight, unmanageable for non-combat awakeners, became an incredible weapon in the right hands.

The armor's dark silver tone, adorned with military green stripes and a fully-covered, streamlined design, avoided any unnecessary decorations. This showcased the military's penchant for simplicity and practicality.

"Gentlemen," boomed Colonel Reynolds' voice through the comms of all armors, "Follow me, and let's turn these mutant creatures into minced meat!"

After a brief silence, the channel was filled with the warriors' battle cries.

Colonel Reynolds's legs surged with power, his dark silver armor taking giant strides. The first step alone covered more than ten meters, the second surpassing all the genetic warriors, and by the third, he had burst out of the armory, leaving three deep, cracked footprints in his wake.

Fueled by a fierce battle spirit, the genetic warriors followed their revered hero, charging into the onslaught of the swarming insect horde.

Inside the base, the battered yet still howling mutated sand worms spat their acidic, foul-smelling secretion at the warriors. Normally easy to dodge, these attacks became deadly menaces when the warriors were entangled in combat with the overwhelming mutated ant swarm, their movements hindered.

Squad 7's warriors were falling one by one into the swarm of ants, with their heavily armored warrior encircled by mutant giant ants. Despite their formidable jaws and limbs, these ants couldn't immediately penetrate the armor's defenses, but their overwhelming numbers, combined with the warrior's augmented strength and the armor's propulsion, made escape seem impossible.

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