Chapter 51: The Coiling Dragon Halberd

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Hovering about ten meters in the air, Bakker slowly extended his right hand, palm ablaze with a roaring flame. Within the light of the fire, he clenched his fist and gradually drew a long, fire-red blade from the flames. Behind him, a phoenix cried out loudly, and as its cry echoed, flames burst forth from the blade of the long, fire-red sword, burning incessantly.

As the long sword ignited, the temperature within the Fire Feather Army camp soared suddenly, making every soldier feel as though they were in a furnace, their skin searing. Fortunately, in this era on the continent of Pan, magical and spiritual energy was abundant, making cultivation speeds exceptionally fast. Most soldiers had practiced some of the army's cultivation techniques and had generally reached the third rank, using their inner Qi to combat the high temperatures.

Yudel, a lowly first-rank Foundation Building cultivator, seemingly unaffected by the scorching heat, looked up at Bakker in the air with even more excitement and eagerness for battle in his eyes. He sheathed his sword back into its scabbard, then unfastened the entire sheath from his waist and tossed it to Lilith beside him.

After completing this puzzling action, he clasped his hands behind his back and called out softly, "Coiling Dragon Halberd, come!" From somewhere within the camp, a loud buzzing sound emerged, akin to a dragon's roar shaking the heavens and earth. Then, a dark glow shot towards Yudel at high speed.

Before most could clearly see what it was, with a thunderous crash, a long halberd made of an unknown metal landed straight in front of Yudel, its metal shaft penetrating the ground, the entire heavy halberd trembling slightly. Carved on the metal shaft of the halberd was a lifelike Eastern dragon, coiling up the shaft to the head of the halberd, where the dragon's mouth spewed out a sharp blade, flanked by two crescent-shaped broad blades, shimmering with a cold light.

Yudel gently caressed the sentient divine weapon before him, feeling its trembling, and whispered, "Coiling Dragon Halberd, are you also excited for the battle to come?" Bakker, hovering in the air with the sword's hilt in hand, disdainfully said, "Ignorant child, be reduced to ashes." With that, he casually swung his sword. A stream of fire followed the swing, enveloping Yudel entirely, and in the next moment, Yudel burst into flames, shooting up into the sky.

Master Hyman, having stepped back a distance, scoffed, "It's like an elephant trampling an ant." Saint Lilith shook her head in resignation, "Now we're in trouble." She turned towards the Holy Light Priests' formation and shouted, "Holy Light Priests, on my command, prepare a large Holy Light Barrier to protect the entire camp."

"At once!" the priests chorused, splitting into teams and running in different directions across the camp. Engulfed in flames, Yudel turned back to Lilith with a brilliant smile, "You always get me." Lilith rolled her eyes, "Don't overdo it. And lift the battlefield higher, or a regular Holy Light Barrier won't withstand your antics."

Ignoring him, she raised her staff, beginning to chant a lengthy series of Holy Light magical incantations, casting one magic circle after another above the camp. "Hehe, understood," Yudel replied, gripping the Coiling Dragon Halberd's shaft firmly, "Coiling Dragon Halberd, let's fight together."

As he spoke, the flames around Yudel intensified more than twofold, rapidly spreading along the ground and instantly reaching the surrounding people. Master Hyman, startled by the "flames" that had crossed over to his feet, exclaimed, "This isn't fire, it's... what is this?"

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