Chapter 55: I Have an Idea

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Hearing Sky's (Yudel's) words, Lilith (Lilianna) also relaxed and smiled brightly, "It's really you. That's a relief. Otherwise, playing this role-playing copy by myself would have been a bit nerve-wracking. The levels of the people in this copy world are ridiculously high."

As she spoke, Lilith (Lilianna) walked over to a table and sat down without any reservations, completely dropping the saintly and solemn demeanor of a Holy Maiden, "I'm exhausted. With just a word from you, the Holy King, we had to march at double speed. As the Holy Maiden, not only did I have to travel, but I also had to cast Holy Light spells along the way to reduce the fatigue of the soldiers. It's been killing me."

Sky (Yudel), already familiar with Lilianna's personality and knowing she was exaggerating, couldn't help but laugh, "Like me, you've just crossed over. The rapid march these past few days wasn't exactly your doing. Alright, no more joking around. The system assigned me the task of defeating the army of the Blackwater Empire to lift the siege on Deerfield city. 50,000 against 300,000, and the Blackwater Empire's army has been the invincible force across the Pan continent for a century. This battle won't be easy. What's your mission?"

"My main system task is to assist the Holy King in defeating the Blackwater Empire's army and lifting the siege on Deerfield city. The information in my memory fragments tells me, my dear Holy King, that your combat power is off the charts. All I need to do is give you a Holy Light blessing, and then I can sit back and enjoy watching you slaughter left and right," Lilith (Lilianna) said with a giggle.

Sky (Yudel) moved to sit beside Lilith (Lilianna) at the table, sighing, "It's not that simple. From the memory information I've received, the combat power of the Blackwater Empire's army should be higher than that of the Firefeather Kingdom's army. Moreover, the opposing commander and several high-ranking officers are all of level 7 or 6 in strength. Whether it's the number of troops, combat power, or the number of top powerhouses, we are at a disadvantage.

Our only advantages are two-fold. First, the morale of the entire Firefeather army is currently sky-high, almost reaching a fanatical level, thanks to your planning, Holy Maiden, which helped elevate me to a godly status by slaying Bakker.

Second, after several days of rapid marching, we've secretly crossed the Deerfield river and made our way near the enemy's supply lines from behind, allowing us to catch them by surprise."

Lilith (Lilianna) sat up straight, her expression serious, "There's a third advantage: your personal combat power as the Holy King." She pointed to her head with her slender, fair right hand, "The memory fragments I've received contain a lot of interesting information. This war is not as simple as it seems."

"What do you mean?" Sky (Yudel) sensed there was more to her words.

Lilith (Lilianna) flicked her bangs and said, "This war might seem like a mundane conflict between mortals, but it's actually a contest between gods."

"Oh? Do elaborate," Sky (Yudel) prompted.

Lilith (Lilianna) blinked, "You don't seem very surprised."

Sky (Yudel) replied calmly, "There were hints in the mission description, but from the memory fragments I have, it seems Yudel, the Holy King, hasn't realized this yet. It seems this character is brave, strong, fearless, and incredibly powerful in combat, but when it comes to the bigger picture and politics, he barely passes. The Holy Light Church elevating such a character to the height of Holy King must have some bigger scheme in mind."

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