Chapter 43: A Friendly Spar?

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Schiso 007, donning the air of a chairman, continued to feed the newly recruited planar agents and apostles with inspiring pep talks. Sky, on the other hand, was still somewhat in the dark about the specifics of their mission. Nonetheless, he clapped in support of the leadership's speech, thinking it best to play it by ear and, for starters, complete the system's current planar task.

By now, the castle already housed two guests, and according to the Goddess, a third was set to arrive tomorrow. The direction for the castle's operations, as decreed by the Goddess, seemed to ensure Sky was on a winning streak.

Yet, Sky wasn't feeling relieved. He understood all too well that there's no such thing as a free lunch. Everything in this plane seemed too good to be true - the strongest backer here had somehow taken a liking to him, providing resources, work, and even a structure to operate within.

But could he really just accept these blessings as a matter of course? Obviously, every reward demands its price. The unasked love of others is either a scheme or an investment for future gains.

Regardless of the motive, Sky had already reaped the benefits and accepted the investment. If he wanted to thrive in this plane, it was time to start working.

As Sky half-heartedly clapped for the Goddess's speech, he pondered over engaging sincerely in his tasks, curious about the future the Goddess and her divine system, "Eyes of the Deep Cosmos," would unfold for him.

The Goddess concluded her address, "So, my dear colleagues, you are fortunate. With the organization's backing and under my watch, unleash your potential and carve your bright futures. The path lies ahead." With that, she pointed forward, conjuring a portal of magical energy that swirled into the shape of a door. The center of this door, pulsating with purple magical energy, resembled a voracious vortex.

"Here's a free portal back home for you," the Goddess said, ushering them away with a wave.

As Sky and his companions stepped through the magic portal and vanished, the Goddess murmured to herself, "That kid is lucky, having so many backing him up. And the system seems to have a special fondness for him too."

Continuing her soliloquy, Schiso 007 opened the system communication interface in her mind. Indeed, she was a player – one who had completed the divine path, acquired godhood, and merged with the laws of her plane.

She crafted an exceedingly long message in her consciousness and sent it to a specific player ID. After a long wait without a response, she resent it to another friend's ID, quickly receiving a reply. The other party initiated a cross-planar telepathic communication.

After Schiso 007 accepted the call, a hearty laugh echoed from the other end, "You see? This kid is a unique genius, no, a darling of the system and the void."

"You're always on your alt. Can you even complete your main's tasks? And cut the nonsense, you helped him cheat," Schiso 007 scoffed. "I don't get why you all pamper him so."

"Heh, don't you as well?" the voice teased.

"That's for the sake of Number 1 and your high stakes. I'm busy, so let's cut to the chase. Two things: First, you're familiar with the cultivation system. Find martial arts and agility techniques compatible with the skillset that kid drew. Also, the 'Cosmic Insight' series seems significant. 'Primordial Blood' is just one of its ranks, and we're missing the rest, from second to ninth. We need a solution if he's to avoid switching techniques midway."

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