Chapter 29: Tonight's Unearthly Stir

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Jolted awake by the alarm, Sky rubbed the sleep from his eyes and briskly prepared himself for an exploration into the ancient castle's main structure. His goal for the night was simple yet daunting: to venture through one of its mysterious doors.

The castle's grand entrance, guarded by heavy bronze doors, stood ajar. Due to their considerable weight and the rusty locks - a testament to their age - Sky had left a small passage open when he departed yesterday afternoon, just wide enough for one person.

The night was enlivened by a crescent moon suspended in the vast sky, casting a faint glow against the ink-blue backdrop. Its light, intermittently hidden by passing clouds, lent a mysterious and elusive charm to the cool lunar shine. The gentle night breeze rustled the leaves in the distance, their whispers like ethereal sprites conversing in the calm of the night.

As Sky peered into the dim innards of the castle through the partly open doors

, he recalled the mission's hint from "The Door": "It becomes truly lively here after nightfall." A chill ran down his spine at the thought. Steadying his nerves with a deep breath, he equipped his flashlight, ready to brave the castle's nocturnal mysteries.

But then, a woman's piercing scream shattered the night's tranquility from deep within the castle. The scream echoed through the corridors, setting off a series of eerie echoes. It was mingled with the sounds of crashing dishes and bottles, as if an unseen force was wreaking havoc inside the ancient structure.

Soon, the creaks of aged floorboards and heavy, urgent footsteps from the direction of the spiral staircase intertwined with the screams, as if fleeing from something horrifying.

Frozen in place, Sky gazed towards the staircase. The dim moonlight barely outlined the scene within, intensifying the atmosphere of terror. At the peak of this fear, a shadowy figure hurtled down from the second-floor staircase at an incredible speed, its form a mere blur.

Defying the laws of physics, the figure descended the spiral staircase in a flash, crossed the deserted ground floor, and headed straight for Sky. In that split second, Sky could only discern a white, humanoid creature, arms outstretched, lunging at him.

Instincts from his last transmigration as a gene warrior took over. Sidestepping, he grabbed the creature's arm, yanking it to the ground, eliciting a surprised yelp from the assailant.

Sky quickly mounted the creature, his hand reaching instinctively for the chainsaw sword typically holstered at a gene warrior's waist. His movements were fluid, bypassing conscious thought.

Coming back to reality, he realized he was an ordinary man in this world, grappling with an unknown being, possibly a ghost or monster, and there was no chainsaw sword at his waist. Yet, as this realization dawned, something materialized in his hand – a sword hilt.

A voice in his head announced: "Player's first use of item [Soul Sonata No.12] in this plane. Activation complete, consuming 50 source energies and 250 rule fragments. Insufficient local energies and fragments substituted with universal ones."

Sky inwardly cursed. His attempt to save universal energies and fragments by opting for automatic plane transmigration had led to an unexpected expenditure on his very first night.

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