Chapter 12: The Girl's Secret

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In her dimly lit room, Arachne rose, skillfully drawing back the curtain made from a blanket, her face turning towards Sky.

"You see, my dad is a distinguished researcher at a gene lab. For many in our city-state, it's seen as a place shrouded in mystery and greatness. Yet, to those on the wastelands, it's a horrifying nightmare. The lab's insatiable need for experimental subjects makes the mutants of the wastelands, especially those in early mutation stages, its primary targets," Arachne's voice trembled with a hint of sorrow. "City defense forces have specialized combat teams tasked with gathering these 'materials.' My mother, unfortunately, was one of those brought before researcher Duncan."

Sky listened with deepened concern. "So, your mother..."

"She was a wanderer from the wastelands, targeted and taken to the gene lab due to her unique mutation. She was on the brink of mutation, showing initial signs but not fully transformed," Arachne narrated, each word heavy with meaning.

"And your father... How did he get involved?" Sky probed, trying to unravel the complex web of their history.

"My father noticed something unusual in my mother. Aside from minor skin changes, she lacked the typical enhancements seen in mutants. In fact, her physical condition was exceptionally fragile.

Despite this, lab tests showed her mutation level was extremely high, almost hitting the theoretical threshold, signaling an awakening.

Perhaps you're not entirely familiar with gene enhancement potions. Essentially, they are catalysts that provoke genetic mutations, enhancing and controlling the natural evolutionary process of mutants, gradually unlocking the latent potential of human genes.

Fundamentally, the evolution of mutants is a process of natural genetic progression. Most naturally occurring mutants are evolutionary dead-ends, degenerating into deformities.

Whether naturally occurring or induced by gene enhancers, those who successfully breach the evolutionary threshold acquire and command various supernatural powers, known in our city-state as the Awakened."

Awakeners who evolve naturally are a rare breed, distinctly different from those who awaken through genetic enhancement serums. Their power is more fundamental, purer, and wilder, bestowing upon them a level of combat ability that is significantly superior to the common city-state awakeners. Their innate capacity to command and organize untamed, ordinary mutants into cohesive combat units is unparalleled. Such mutant awakeners haven't been seen near the Sunrise city-state for many years.

The swift collapse of Satellite Cities 15 and 16 has raised my father's suspicions about the emergence of a mutant awakener. The senior officers of the city defense forces are likely privy to more details, but they have kept this information tightly sealed from the general populace and the lower-tier combatants.

Reflecting on the situation, Sky commented, "This clarifies why the genetic lab in Satellite City 14 is preparing for evacuation. It appears they have little confidence in their ability to defend successfully."

Arachne added, "This is merely a hypothesis of my dad's, but it's probably true, as I can feel it."

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