Chapter 52: The Azure Dragon Descends

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The full power of the Coiling Dragon Halberd was unleashed, spreading the majestic aura of the divine dragon's bloodline indiscriminately in all directions. It was as though the spirit incarnate of the divine weapon dancing above the sea of blood clouds was not merely an artifact's spirit but a true ancient god-tier creature.

Feeling the overwhelming presence of the divine dragon, Bakker could no longer control the Nine-Turn Phoenix Blade in his hands, which started to tremble violently. He involuntarily released all his strength in a single slash, his most powerful attack to date. He bellowed to boost his morale: "Kid, take this blade from me, the Flurry of Fiery Feathers!"

Bakker channeled all his essence, spirit, and mana into the fiery-red Nine-Turn Phoenix Blade he held aloft. Astonishingly, the blade's color transitioned from red to orange, then from orange to yellow, with hints of white emerging within the yellow, before finally turning to azure.

Bakker dove towards Yudel, swinging the azure blade downwards. Behind him, the fiery phoenix exploded into a sky full of burning feathers. Drawn by the blade's momentum, these feathers shot towards Yudel, changing from red to azure flames before striking the soaring azure dragon incarnation.

A heavy metallic clang resonated as Yudel, with both hands on the Coiling Dragon Halberd, blocked Bakker's downward slash. The sky filled with fiery feathers, each one adding to the weight of Bakker's blade strike and increasing the burning heat emanating from the blade.

The Coiling Dragon Halberd's azure dragon form twisted and turned in the air, shattering most of the falling fiery feathers, but the continuous shower of feathers increased the burden on Yudel, causing his arms to slightly bend.

"Heh, now that's more like it," Yudel grinned, his eyes sparkling with excitement as he locked gaze with Bakker. Bakker felt a chill run down his spine, as if he were being preyed upon by a ferocious beast.

Taking a deep breath, Yudel's muscles swelled, and a burst of explosive power surged towards Bakker. From Bakker's perspective, a majestic mountain phantom slowly appeared beneath Yudel, rising steadily upwards. Feeling an irresistible upward force on his blade, Bakker, left with no choice, placed both hands on the handle to resist the growing pressure.

Yet, the mountain's ascent seemed unaffected, rising slowly but firmly. From the soldiers' viewpoint in the camp, what materialized under Yudel was not merely a mountain but a god-like titan lifting the mountain with ease, eventually holding it aloft with a single arm, stretching it straight into the sky.

The laws of the world resonated with the image of Yudel's titan lifting the mountain, embedding the name of this move in the minds of all who witnessed it. War Technique: Coiling Dragon Halberd Method - Lifting the Mountain.

In the sky, Yudel's previously bent arms were now fully extended. In Bakker's astonished eyes, Yudel, like a titan incarnate, released his left hand. He single-handedly held the Coiling Dragon Halberd, countering the heavy pressure of the Nine-Turn Phoenix Blade.

To Bakker's despair, Yudel began to slowly rotate his wrist, lifting the blade of the halberd closer to Bakker's throat by wrist strength alone.

Feeling an overwhelming sense of doom, Bakker hastily retracted his incomplete attack technique "Flurry of Fiery Feathers" and fled swiftly using his ability to float.

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