Chapter 27: Seafood Noodles for Lunch

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Walking continuously and briskly with Lumiya for nearly half an hour, we finally emerged from the forest. Though my memories held fragments about castles, seeing one in person for the first time was still a marvel, leaving me astounded at the enormity of the castle complex.

Surrounded by mountains and forests, the complex sits in a U-shaped valley with a flat plain at its heart. The castle, backed by mountains, faces a river that leads to the natural Barmen Lake. Across the lake lies the picturesque city of Barmen, with a population in the hundreds of thousands.

Separated by the lake, there's a sharp contrast between modern vibrancy and ancient solemnity. Fortunately, a road encircling Barmen Lake connects both shores, weaving modernity into the castle. Modern conveniences like water, electricity, and internet are available, especially in the castle's auxiliary buildings.

Legend traces the castle's origin back over a thousand years to what was known as "Kerenburg," a fortress primarily for military use. It was destroyed in a war or disaster and later rebuilt on its ruins by the lords of Barmen, now known as Barmen Castle. This complex includes the main castle, surrounding manor houses, and defensive outer buildings, all encircled by a winding moat. The calm waters reflect the castle's majestic image, while three ancient bridges connect this historical witness to the outside world.

The main castle features the "Heavy Tower" in the east wing, the main building's west wing, and the south wing that spans between them, dating back to the 13th or 14th century. The 15th or 16th century added external structures like a large tower, walls, corner towers, stables, and barns. From the 17th to the 19th century, the fortress underwent several changes in ownership and reconstruction, evolving into a Baroque-style palace.

However, with the decline of its last owners, the Rebel family, the castle fell into disrepair and never regained its original splendor.

I chose the tower as my residence for convenience in hosting tenants, while Lumiya lives in a manor house near the main building. But this time, Lumiya didn't retreat to her room and instead excitedly followed me. I've always been puzzled by her constant state of excitement and joy.

Our conversations went something like this:

"Lumiya, are you familiar with the forest behind us? Any exciting spots for adventure live-streaming?" she inquired.

"I've only been here less than a year and haven't explored deep into the forest," I responded.

"Do you think there might be hidden ancient courtyards in the forest, with fountains that start flowing again under the moonlight, revealing secret entrances to underground chambers?" she wondered.

"Do you really think something like that exists?" I asked, amused.

"What about legendary waterfalls that sound like distant cries? Behind them are deep caves with rock walls smoothed by perpetual water drops, shimmering in the light," she mused.

"I don't think so," I answered.

"Maybe an ancient stone tower stands alone on a mountain, shrouded in mist, its top emitting mysterious light at night, beckoning to travelers?" her imagination took flight.

"No," I replied succinctly.

"What about at night, with ghostly lights flickering among the trees, leading adventurers to forest secrets?" she continued.

"That's an interesting idea, could be a Guangdu City urban legend for the paranormal forums online," I suggested.

"Or a hidden valley where echoes form melodies? When echoes turn into music, a glowing lake makes people disappear as they enter?" she pondered.

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