Chapter 10: Within Three Days

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Beneath the military hospital, in the third subterranean level, sat the genetic research lab.

Dr. Spencer, having carefully read the report on his tablet, turned to Max with a sigh. "Your gene warrior squad, twelve strong, yet only three, including you, remain standing after just a day. The others are either recuperating in medical pods or still in their hospital beds, recovering. I'm torn between praising your bravery and deeming you all foolhardy risk-takers."

Max responded with a genuine smile, "Isn't facing the forefront and undertaking the most dangerous missions the very essence of our duty as a gene warrior squad?"

Pointing to Sky next to Max, the doctor asked, "And is this his duty too? How could you justify taking a student from the military preparatory class on such perilous missions?"

Max defended his decision, "But Sky's performance is on par with that of an experienced gene warrior. I see infinite potential in him. He's destined to be more than just an elite soldier; he might even become an Awakener."

Dr. Spencer, brandishing his tablet, replied, "Are you suggesting I'm unaware? His gene fusion rate skyrocketed by 7% in just half a day. The data alone speaks volumes of his immense potential. But consider his injuries; a mere 10 centimeters further, and we'd be talking about a pierced heart. Our enhanced genetics can't mend a heart that's been impaled."

"I firmly believe that real combat is the fastest way to elevate one's gene fusion rate. Just look at the 7% increase today," Max said, his voice fading as Dr. Spencer's expression grew darker.

Dr. Spencer glared at Max before turning to Sky, "I've told you time and again about your extraordinary genetic potential. Your role right now is to assist in our research and find your supernatural abilities. You've already achieved a 49% primary enhancement fusion. Now it's time for your H-type serum injection. Afterward, stay home and come here daily for check-ups."

Sky quickly agreed, bid farewell to Max, and obediently followed the doctor.

After the injection and being monitored for a full hour with various instruments, Sky's day finally came to an end. When he returned, he found Arachne sitting quietly in a corner of Dr. Spencer's office, a box of cookies on her lap.

Dr. Spencer, absorbed in his computer screen, without looking up, said, "I gave Arachne my last box of cookies because I thought she might be hungry. She insisted on waiting for you to share them."

Only then did Sky realize the hunger gnawing at his stomach. The day's stress, compounded with the recent injection, had obscured his body's needs until now.

Arachne, holding out a cookie for him, beckoned. Sky quickly joined her, and together, they began to eagerly devour the contents of the cookie box.

In that pivotal moment, Spencer faced Arachne and began, "Arachne, having known your father, we share a sort of professional camaraderie. Considering your current plight, I feel compelled to extend my help. The war's tide isn't in our favor, and our lab staff are soon relocating to the capital. I've secured three additional spots – for you, Sky, and Sky's brother. This grants you the opportunity to accompany us to the capital. Once we arrive, I'll sort out your subsequent living arrangements." For a moment, Sky and Arachne stood dumbfounded, at a loss for words in their astonishment.

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