Chapter 49: The Battle of Deerfield Plains

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While Lilianna, Lumiya, and the crimson-clad specter clashed in battle, Sky's consciousness remained in a hazy state.

After practicing the miraculous "Cosmic Insight | Primordial Blood" technique, Sky's physical form in this plane had transcended that of ordinary humans, marking him as a superior being even among cultivators.

However, Sky had yet to undertake any targeted training or strengthening in terms of mental prowess. Facing the ghost in white before Room 310, her fierce psychic assault struck like a blade through ice, piercing directly at him without warning, causing a tremendous soul tremor that nearly brought him to the brink of mental collapse.

In this critical moment, as if guided by a sliver of fate from the depths of the cosmos, a simple yet mysterious rune began to shimmer within the abyss of Sky's soul, radiating a dazzling golden light. This unique-shaped rune, a divine symbol formed from the contract terms agreed upon with the goddess from another realm, Schiso007, which turned into countless points of light before coalescing, stood against the majority of the ferocious psychic attack energy, significantly diminishing its force against him. Despite this rune's protection, Sky's spirit and soul inevitably sustained damage, engulfed by pain as if drowned by tidal waves.

Then, a gentle force, akin to a lover's tender caress, acted upon the depths of Sky's soul. Emerging quietly, it acted like an invisible healer, gradually alleviating some of the damage within his soul, extracting the venom from the wounds drop by drop. This force, like a spring breeze over the land, quickly revitalized his life force, allowing his nearly shattered soul to heal steadily and continuously.

The system's voice echoed in Sky's consciousness: "Player detected with Soul Guardian—Weaver Arachne. Divine point usage detected to initiate soul guardian activation protocol for this plane. Activation conditions for plane-specific soul guardian met. Soul Guardian Arachne activation commencing."

The timing of this system prompt coincided with the moment Lilianna and Lumiya rushed towards Room 320, and the crimson-clad specter turned her attention to Sky. It was at this moment that Sky snapped out of his daze, sensed Arachne's presence from the specter, and felt the unbreakable link between their souls.

However, just as Sky was about to take action, he found himself hoisted onto Lilianna's shoulders and rushed into Room 320.

And at that moment, the clock struck 3 a.m.

As they burst into Room 320, a familiar sensation overwhelmed Sky. The surroundings suddenly froze, then shattered like glass mirrors breaking apart.

"Damn, not again." Sky could only protest in his mind as the scenery around him began to change, with a flood of information and memory fragments rushing into his brain.

The system's voice sounded again:

"Welcome to the 'My Mysterious Castle' series exclusive instance world 'The Battle of Deerfield Plains.' Loading instance world.

Instance Background: 6221 years ago from the present, when the ancient Pan continent was a single, unified landmass across the plane. That year, the Blackwater Kingdom in the west, under the leadership of their great king Aurogon, conquered the entire continent, ending centuries of conflict among nations and establishing the unified Blackwater Empire.

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