Chapter 15: The Final Night

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As dusk embraced the gene warrior base, which had been alive with activity and tension all day, tranquility finally prevailed. In Sky's freshly assigned dorm, he and his brother relinquished their beds to Arachne, opting instead for their military sleeping bags spread on the floor.

Raimondo succumbed to sleep effortlessly, his tranquil breaths occasionally interspersed with gentle snores.

Sky lay still for a while, waiting until he was certain Raimondo had fallen asleep. Then, he softly sat up and quietly walked over to sit beside Arachne's bed.

"Arachne, have you fallen asleep?" he whispered.

Her eyes gently opened. "Not yet," she murmured.

Inching closer, Sky bent over, his face just inches from her cheek, prompting her breathing to hasten and a shy blush to spread across her face.

"What are you intending to do, Sky?" she asked, her voice quivering with nervous anticipation.

Her heart pounded, consumed by one thought: Is he going to kiss me?

She closed her eyes, anticipating his next move, but instead, she heard Sky's voice whispering near her ear, "Arachne, it's difficult to express, but may I sleep holding you tonight?"

"Ah?" Her eyes widened in a soft exclamation.

This was happening too quickly, too directly!

"Shh, let's not wake Raimondo," Sky continued. "I have a theory. My unusually rapid increase in fusion rate might be connected to you. Every time I embrace you, I feel a warm energy surge through me, enveloping my entire being. Perhaps, it's your ability, boosting others' genetic evolution."

"I understand," Arachne steadied herself, her voice carrying a hint of disappointment.

Sky, slightly nervous, added, "So, I was thinking of sleeping in an embrace tonight, would that be okay?" He left unsaid his other reason: as a young man in his prime and Arachne being a striking beauty, the sensation of holding her was more than just a cellular warmth; it also stirred the burgeoning hormones within the young man.

Wordlessly, Arachne shifted to make room on the bed and gently pulled back a corner of the blanket.

Sky nervously swallowed his saliva, pulling back the covers to lie down beside Arachne, drawing her close into his embrace. Her unique scent wafted around them, kindling a warmth in his heart, prompting him to tenderly kiss her on the forehead.

The girl in his arms shivered briefly but then settled, snuggling even closer to him.

A warm energy mysteriously emanated within Sky, flowing gently, permeating every cell of his body. His mind was filled with pressing thoughts: enhancing fusion, longing for awakening, the need to protect her, and to fulfill his mission. In this alternative world, a beginner's trial, Sky struggled with his burgeoning feelings for Arachne, constantly reminding himself, "She's just an NPC, merely an NPC."

Aethercross-Real Game,The Borderland of Reality and FantasyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang