Chapter 26: The Enigmatic Tenant of the Ancient Castle

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Sky, in the realm of his consciousness, agreed to enter the plane world as matched by the system. Just as he expected, the environment around him became a still image and then fragmented, like a shattered mirror.

Shadows slowly emerged from the darkness, and Sky found himself adrift again in an infinite void.

The system's voice announced: "Matching player's main quest for this traversal, match completed."

Sky's lips curled into a wry smile, "Here we go again."

After a brief surge of sped-up sound, the system's announcement resumed normally: "Match successful. Welcome to 'Neo Mystic Nexus'. Activating world information, please stand by."

Sky, with an uneasy chuckle, thought to himself, "This doesn't bode well."

The system elaborated: "Plane World: 'Neo Mystic Nexus'

Brief of Plane World: A world mirroring reality, filled with surprises. Exploration is left to the player's discretion.

Traversal Main Quest: 'The Enigmatic Tenant of the Ancient Castle'

Quest Background: Inheriting an ancient castle, you find yourself mired in a financial crisis. To ease the burden, you choose to rent out some rooms. Your efforts attract several tenants, but then, hauntings begin, plunging you into a new predicament.

Quest Objective: Maintain at least three tenants within three days and develop a long-term strategy to overcome the castle's financial struggles.

Quest Genre: Business Management

Rewards: Based on player performance

Penalties: Reduction of all player attributes by one point, and a deduction of 10,000 Aethercroin from the universal currency.

Quest Hint: Have you ever pondered the existence of deities?"

Sky pondered the keywords: 'quasi-real', 'management', 'enigmatic tenant', 'haunted' – his gaze deepening in thought.

The void crystallized and shattered like a mirror.

Bathed in the warm afternoon sun, Sky relished the serenity and comfort. The rustling of leaves, chirping of birds, the babbling of a nearby stream, and the breeze carrying the scent of grass and moist earth filled the air.

Sky's initial impression of this plane was one of tranquility and leisure, soon followed by a flood of memory fragments.

This plane mirrored Earth's reality, with similar technological advancements. Here, he retained his game ID, Sky Rebel.

In this plane, his backstory was typical of a transmigrator: orphaned, raised in a small city orphanage, a high school graduate, and a degree from a mid-level university.

At 22, post-graduation, he struggled with job hunting, settling for a night cashier job at a supermarket. But soon, a lawyer from the orphanage contacted him, revealing he was the sole heir to the ancient Rebel lineage. Thus, he inherited the Rebel family's estate: a distant castle and a vast expanse of forest.

However, Sky Rebel's joy was short-lived as he discovered the Rebel family's financial plight. The castle, in dire need of repair, brought no additional wealth.

Facing the hefty maintenance costs and a report warning of potential structural collapse, the original Sky Rebel of this plane opted to rent out the sturdier external rooms of the castle for financial relief.

The castle's picturesque surroundings and its proximity to the mid-sized city of Barmen, home to hundreds of thousands and the renowned Barmen University, helped Sky attract numerous tenants with his affordable strategy.

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