Chapter 5: Genetic Enhancement

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Chapter Five: Genetic Enhancement

Soon, the city defense force's garrison emerged in the distance. Enclosed by a formidable barbed wire perimeter, this once bustling logistics hub had been repurposed into a dynamic refugee coordination center, replete with tents and improvised shelters. A steady procession of military and rescue vehicles bustled in and out, ferrying supplies and refugees.

Outside the garrison, teams of city defense soldiers and volunteers were actively engaged in settling refugees, directing vehicles, and ensuring order. Patrolling soldiers kept a vigilant eye on their surroundings, embodying a sense of urgency. Among the sea of tents, refugees meandered, their faces telling stories of exhaustion and deep-seated worry.

In this moment, Sky's thoughts sharpened as he recalled the trial task assigned by the enigmatic transmigration system. Although puzzled by the origins and nature of this mysterious trial, he recognized the imperative of completing it. Utilizing the memories embedded in his character, Sky, he swiftly located Alan Miller, the middle-aged man responsible for refugee allocation. Owing to past aid from Sky's father, Miller had a special regard for Sky.

Upon finding the overburdened Miller, Sky discreetly inquired, "Mr. Miller, could you shed light on the current situation? Are we expecting a surge of new refugees? Will my place be expected to accommodate more? We're already running low on water and food, and I'm anxious about managing in the days ahead."

Miller, wearing a look of grave concern, whispered, "Sky, the outlook is bleak. Satellite City No. 15 has succumbed, bringing a deluge of refugees to our doorsteps. We're stretched to our limits trying to house them, with resources running thin. Many of those who have taken refuge here are from Satellite City No. 16, which had fallen prey to bandits weeks ago. We've been shouldering the burden of those refugees, but with Satellite City No. 15's fall, the situation has become increasingly complex and strained."

Sky's voice conveyed his concern, "I hadn't anticipated Satellite City No. 15's fall to be so swift. Could there be bandit spies or mutants among the new arrivals?"

Miller sighed heavily, "That's a pressing concern. Right now, we're giving priority to those with verifiable identities, primarily the families of government and military personnel from Satellite City No. 15. The others are undergoing stringent screenings." He paused, then assured Sky, "Your building is already sheltering enough refugees. I won't be directing more there for now. If you're in need of supplies, you can count on me."

With a grateful nod, Sky watched as Miller resumed his pressing tasks. A fragment of a forgotten memory briefly resurfaced in Sky's mind.

Sky's mind wandered back to that pivotal, tension-filled moment with his nine fellow interns in the secluded training session at the city defense force's hospital. They were huddled in the gene research lab, intently listening to Dr. Helen Spencer, a distinguished researcher, as she delved into the nuances of gene enhancement potions.

Dr. Spencer, commanding the podium, radiated a mix of expertise and zeal: "Students, you've successfully undergone the fusion with the J-type gene potion. We're now advancing to the next stage—the utilization of the I-type gene enhancement potion, the first in the line of primary enhancement potions."

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