Chapter 8: Entrusted Mission

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Luca's voice echoed with calm and assurance: "3, 2, 1. Target acquired, repeat, target acquired."

"Fire the missile!" Max roared with a deep, commanding intensity.

Instantly, the top cover of the equipment box flew open, launching 24 micro-missiles. They soared skyward, their fiery trails slicing through smoke, targeting the enemy's still thundering heavy artillery.

As Max, Emily, and Sky's shoulder armor slid back, revealing hidden micro-missile launchers, three missiles whizzed out, tailing the initial volley towards the same destination.

The sky was ablaze with trails, reminiscent of a meteor shower. These were 42 micro-missiles from Max's battle suit launchers, carving precise arcs in the air, aiming straight for the enemy artillery positions.

Approaching the target, the soldiers at the artillery began to grasp the looming threat. In a panic, they scrambled for cover, only to realize the futility against the impending assault.

Seconds later, the first missile struck the artillery's loading zone, setting off a series of explosions. The blasts were deafening, with immense fireballs and thick smoke engulfing the site in a fiery hell.

The subsequent missiles relentlessly hit their targets, each impact a sledgehammer of destruction, triggering more explosions. Flames, smoke, blasts, and debris filled the air, creating a spectacular yet harrowing scene.

This fierce bombardment, as brief as it was fierce, akin to a sudden, intense downpour, obliterated the once-formidable artillery position. The battlefield was left with wreckage and flames, painting a picture of apocalypse, a vivid reminder of the brutal reality of war.

Over the squad's comm, Luca confirmed with clarity, "Target neutralized."

Hank chuckled mischievously, and Max commanded, "Retreat!"

Luca's urgent voice then cut in: "Alert, your position is exposed. A large enemy force is converging on your location, with over 20 mutants rapidly encircling from the flank."

"Expected," Max responded coolly, issuing his commands, "Luca, evacuate the battlefield immediately and bring the armored transport. Emily, determine the optimal escape route and rendezvous point, then share it with Luca."

Moments later, Emily's voice came through, "We can't evade the encircling mutants. We must break through their blockade. I've shared three potential rendezvous points with Luca. Based on the battlefield situation, choose the meeting point, Luca. The geomagnetic interference here severely disrupts communications beyond 100 meters, and maintaining contact over 1000 meters is challenging. Continuously track our positions using your sensory abilities."

"Roger that," Luca responded.

Meanwhile, Hank, with the massive equipment box now strapped to his back, grinned mischievously, "If these mutant bastards are itching for a showdown, let's give them one they'll never forget."

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