Chapter Six

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Margot Mitchell

    After the volleyball game, Margot had finally given Jake her number. They had plans for that afternoon, the following day. She wasn't sure what they were doing, but she knew it was something she needed to be able to move at. He'd given her that much information so she knew how to dress. She had gone through several outfits, with Isla's input. "Yes, no?" She asked, showing her the current one. It was a pair of jeans with an off the shoulder crop top. It was a light pink color, blending in with fall. "I think this is it." She glanced in the floor length mirror.

    "It's cute. Those jeans look great on you. Ass is perfection." Isla responded, causing Margot to laugh. "Personally I liked the other top that showed more boob, but," She shrugged, then raised her hands as Margot gave her a look. "Hey, as a member of the IBTC, I'd flaunt it if I had it."

    "Not all the time." Margot told her. "And IBTC is a stretch for you." She pulled out a pair of boots. "Is this a good idea? Going out with him? He's practically an instructor. And we already know if it goes well, it's going to cause more friction in my family." She messed with her hair, trying to fluff the waves.

    "Did you see him? Margot, I wouldn't pass that up. Especially since he wised up and realized he should give this a shot. Really both of you did." Isla answered. "God you two would have the most beautiful babies." She mused as she flipped through a magazine. "Why tell them? Have fun and see where it goes. If it ever got serious then maybe say something. You don't owe them the name of every person you fuck or go on a date with. Especially given recent history, they haven't exactly earned that yet."

    "I'm not having his babies, I'm going out with him." Margot said, but Isla just grinned. "You make a fair point. This all started over not wanting anything major. It doesn't mean that it'll become anything serious." She said, "I honestly just liked him and wouldn't mind getting to know him more." She paused. "And you're right, he's fucking gorgeous and fuck, he was good in bed."

    "I'll add that to my maid of honor speech at your wedding. And Margot stated, 'he was fucking gorgeous and fuck, he was good in bed.'" Isla announced and Margot just shook her head. "Just go, have fun. Day at a time. You're not claiming him as your boyfriend or committing to anything. Just two, ridiculously attractive, talented pilots, seeing how another date goes." She sat the magazine down. "Ryder isn't thrilled about it." She commented.

    "Why should Ryder's thoughts matter? I don't consult you with who I see." Margot asked and Isla gave her a look.

    "I swear sometimes you're blind as a bat Margot Rose." Isla said, sighing. "He's still in love with you. It's written all over his face. You need to talk to him."

    "We've been broken up for two years." Margot pointed out. "And he said he also felt like we were better as friends, and look how well it's worked out." She had realized she wasn't really in love with him, and that the relationship didn't offer any excitement. She was just too comfortable. "We mutually agreed on the breakup." She added.

    "I'm just saying. Think about it." Isla said, softly. The doorbell rang and she hopped up. Margot followed her out as Jake was let inside. She glanced at his attire. He also had on jeans, and a quarter zip pull over in a dark blue. "Have her home at a reasonable hour or I'll make sure even the coast guard can't find your body."

    "Noted." Jake replied, though he was looking at Margot. "Ready?" He asked her with a grin.

    Margot tried to fight against a smile. "You did win," She told him, though she knew he wouldn't have made her go if she didn't want to. She walked with him out the door, and she felt his hand on the small of her back.

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