Chapter Forty-Two

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Jake Seresin

    "That's a kill." Jake said, "Aka, had your ass handed to you."

    "Barely." Sniper replied, "I almost had you."

    Jake laughed at his student's response. "Almost doesn't get you a kill," He said, "Keep that in mind." He flew beside him and gave a salute.

    Realistically the pilots weren't bad, and this was one of Jake's favorite classes in his time teaching. Some just stood out more than others. They were a good group. Some of it may have had to do with getting to work with Margot, Jake had enjoyed that a lot. Bradshaw was a great partner, but he didn't mind the change up getting to work with his wife. Rooster had been working in another part of the program, as had Isla with weapons systems. Jake felt like they hadn't seen them as much since October with moving into the new house and their different jobs keeping them busy.

    "Yeah but almost taking you out was still an accomplishment. I wasn't always that close." Sniper pointed out, causing Jake to laugh.

    "True." Jake agreed as they began to land. It was a course designed to test their flight skills with some dog fighting. Margot had designed the course run.

    Despite not flying, Margot had been extremely busy at work. She had been working on flight courses and testing ideas, most of which had been utilized. Both by their class and others. She had quite a craft for it and hadn't let her pregnancy slow her down with her work. She just shifted her direction for right now. His wife was pretty fucking brilliant and awesome.

    Jake walked back inside the hangar with the four pilots he had just been up with. He looked as the others were studying as they came inside. Margot was standing next to Bones, listening to whatever he was asking about. Bones had probably become his favorite student. He had a unique way of thinking and seeing things, he brought a lot to the table. Jake had talked to him more than once about applying for an instructor position.

    Jake watched Margot and noticed her hand positioned on her lower back. Her uniform hugged her baby bump, which was easily spotted now. She was twenty weeks into her pregnancy and had been a trooper through it. He was in awe every time he looked at her that she was carrying their child.

    Margot knew the sex of the baby, Jake didn't. He had wanted to be surprised, but Margot had wanted to start on the nursery soon. She showed no reaction to whatever it was. He was getting pretty curious though, and was considering asking what it was rather than waiting. It did make naming the baby tricky and things like that. Margot had respected his decision on it though, but he knew curiosity was eating away at him.

    Jake dismissed the class, they had wrapped up for the evening. The last four pilots were still chattering about their points. They'd figure them out tomorrow. The class was almost halfway finished, but that was still plenty of time to catch up. He looked at Margot when she went to grab her work laptop off the front desk. "How'd it go?" She asked.

    "Last group didn't get me." Jake answered. "Surprising, I know," He grinned. "Still feel like going to eat?"

    Margot shrugged. "Up to you. I'm starving but there's also a ton of unpacking still to do." She replied, "I definitely want to change though. Meet me at the car in like fifteen minutes?"

    "Unpacking can wait, the house will be there." Jake told her. They had gotten the house they had looked at and loved. Most of it was unpacked but there was still a lot to do. He kissed her. "You got it." He left with her to go change as well. He had a sweater and jeans in his bag he had taken in. He took a quick shower since it wouldn't take him long.

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