Bonus Chapter #2

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Bradley Bradshaw

    "I am telling you, there's got to be two fucking babies." Isla commented. "I got fat last time this early. This is an actual bump. It's a legit bump, Bradley." She pointed at her stomach as if he didn't see what she was talking about.

    Rooster looked at his wife, sitting on the exam table at the OBGYN's office. "You weren't fat." He told her. "And Margot showed earlier with Summer since it was a second pregnancy."

    Isla looked at him. "I got chunky the first several weeks before I was showing." She argued. "I've barely gained weight this time, and this is here." She pointed at her stomach. She was ten weeks, and Rooster agreed, she did have a baby bump.

    "You've barely gained weight because you throw up non stop." Rooster pointed out. She'd had a very different pregnancy this time. She had no morning sickness with Imogen, and this time it was happening all the time. And she was right, she did gain weight fast the first time and wasn't now. "I think it's fine. Your body knows what it's doing."

    "Can you panic for once in your life? You're always so calm." Isla asked, sighing as she laid back. Isla was the one who stressed and panicked, while Rooster knew he was the voice of reason usually in their relationship.

    Rooster laughed. "Babe, we don't even know there's anything to panic about." He said, "And one of us has to be calm. We balance each other out." He grinned, as he took one of her hands.

    "You're right. I'll stop." Isla replied, "What if it is two, though? We said one more baby."

    Rooster kissed her hand. "One thing at a time." He said, "And your parents moved here specifically to be around Imogen. You've got your own schedule now since you retired from the Navy. We'll figure it out. But I am not worried. We were told the risk was low with the medication."

    Isla nodded. "I know, I know. And I'm thankful to have gotten pregnant. I was worried after two years of trying." Imogen would be four by the time the new baby was born, so it had been several years of trying to make it work.

    Rooster looked up as her doctor walked in, greeted them and got started on her ultrasound.

    "Any concerns?" Dr. Turner asked.

    "Besides the morning sickness, the only thing is I'm showing so soon. Obviously preferable to all the weight I gained last time, but I am just surprised." Isla answered. "My sister-in-law showed a little earlier with her second pregnancy, but not quite like this."

    Dr. Turner nodded and then was quiet for a moment. "I know this is going to be a lot to take in, but you're carrying triplets." She said, "Everything looks good right now. But there are most definitely three babies."

    Isla was silent, and Rooster felt like his blood pressure spiked. They finally looked at one another then back at Dr. Turner again. "Is" Rooster asked.

    "It's a high risk pregnancy." Dr. Turner answered. "Isla is young, healthy and I've got no reason to believe there will be complications. She'll come in more often than previously." She said, "Isla, your BMI is a lot healthier than your first pregnancy start. Your body has done this before, you know what to expect. There are some other considerations with multiples, and I'll send you home with information. And we'll be meeting more frequently."

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