Chapter Nineteen

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Margot Mitchell

Thanksgiving felt like a fucking joke after breaking up with Jake the week before. She had two weeks left in the program then she was out of here. She didn't think it was a good idea anymore to stick around to try to be an instructor. She was interested in it, and thought it was a great opportunity, but it wasn't going to help her career to stay and be too focused on Jake. She knew she wasn't going to be able to be around him anymore. Especially since he didn't believe her reason for breaking up with him. He had tried once to talk to her in person after class, but Margot blew him off. She hated herself for it, but this was for him. She would miss the chance to get to be around her dad more, but she had to put herself first.  

She felt like she had been a shell the last few days, just going through the motions of the day. She focused as best she could in class, and still got what she needed done. She had managed to keep their points up and were currently in the top of the class. She was able to keep her shit together there, then was a mess at home. Isla and Rooster had stopped pressuring her to talk about it at least. She appreciated it, she wasn't sure she could keep telling the same story over and over. Her brother had surprised her though and came to Thanksgiving with her. Which was a merge of the Kazanskys and her family.

They had not had class that day, but were making it up on Saturday. Margot had barely touched her food, but had kept a glass of wine close. She made her best attempt to talk and act normal, but it was clear she wasn't herself. She still loved him, and he was the first person she truly had. Ryder, it hadn't ever quite gotten there for her. She loved him, but hadn't been in love with him. She thought she had, but realized that hadn't been the case.

Her dad hadn't bothered to hide his surprise when Rooster showed up with her. Isla had come too, but mostly since she wasn't able to go home to her family in Chicago. It was briefly addressed he and Isla were dating, but it was mostly for Margot that Rooster put his shit with Maverick aside to come. She expected them just to ignore one another, but Margot saw Rooster and her dad talking a few times. Usually Ice was there as a buffer, but it seemed genuine. At least something positive had come of all of this.

Margot looked up whenever Penny sat down beside her on the sofa. She glanced over at her step-mom. Isla was with Ryder and Amelia, Penny's teenage daughter. They were playing a board game, both being whipped by Isla. Margot had been playing too but stepped away to watch. She wasn't really feeling up to hanging out much longer. "You don't have to talk about it, but I'm here should you decide." Penny told her, patting her on the knee. "I'm sorry for whatever is bothering you."

Margot smiled weakly. "If I tell you, you'll tell dad. And I don't want him to worry. I'll be fine. And it's after the fact." She answered, sipping her wine. "Thanks, though."

"It can stay between us as long as you're not in danger or hurt." Penny offered. "Those are the two times I'd break your trust but anything else can stay between us." Margot appreciated that. It felt valid to tell him if she was hurt or in danger, she wouldn't want that kept from her dad.

"Long story short, a break up. It was new, I hadn't introduced him to you guys yet." Margot answered. "It's fine. I think I'm just overwhelmed with graduation and moving back to Virginia." She twisted the stem of her glass. "Plus, dating on active duty is tricky. I know you know." Penny had been around Navy members her entire life, and she sure as hell had been through it with Mavercik on and off.

Penny frowned. "I suspected. I'm sorry, Margot." She told her. "And I promise it's between us. But, just so you know, your dad doesn't give horrible advice." She paused. "About most things. Don't ever ask him for his opinion on paint colors. His taste is more bland than white bread."

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