Chapter Forty-Nine

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Margot Seresin

Going into labor and Jake not being here was not in Margot's plan. He was out at her dad's hangar in Mojave and had no cell service. She had left several messages with both of them and had to just hope they checked their phones soon on the road. Her due date was a few days away and Luke had decided to come early. Margot had encouraged Jake to go with her dad and not even a few hours later, she realized her water broke. She called Isla after Jake's phone went to voicemail, which was how she ended up at UC San Diego with her brother and Isla.

Her doctor said she had a while, it was going to be a long night. She had brought some work with her, some of the flight plans she had been working on. She really felt okay right now, her contractions weren't horrible and were pretty far apart. She had her iPad balanced on her round baby bump.

"You're oddly calm for someone about to give birth." Rooster commented, "And I tried Jake again."

"It's after 5, they should be leaving soon. They'll hit service again." Margot replied, "I'm not worried. The baby isn't coming for a while." She shrugged. She knew stressing wasn't going to help her or the baby. "Which do you guys think is better, an Immelmann or Split S?" She asked. 

"Margot, you can put work away. You're in labor." Isla told her. She was sitting next to where Rooster was standing. He had been pacing the room non stop. "Bradley, take that." She pointed at the iPad.

Rooster snatched the iPad and Margot wasn't fast enough. "Hey!" She exclaimed. She couldn't sit up quick enough with her big stomach in the way. "Dick." She huffed as she crossed her arms as best she could.

"She's right, you need to just focus on you. Or watch a movie or something relaxing." Rooster said, "Work can wait. You're allowed to take time for yourself. You give too much to that place."

"Is that your older brother wisdom?" Margot questioned.

"Yes. And right now, I just want to take care of you for once." Rooster replied, "No work."

Margot waved a hand, deciding to let him win. "You guys don't have to stay, I am really okay."

"We're staying until Jake gets here." Isla said, firmly. "And honestly I'm wondering if they can just induce me." She rubbed a hand over her stomach.

Rooster looked at her. "Iz, your due date isn't for nine weeks." He told her. She was thirty one weeks now.

Isla smiled softly at her husband. "Baby, I've gained forty-five pounds, she's constantly on my bladder and I can't get comfortable to sleep. I am ready to have her." She replied, resting her hands on her baby bump.

Isla had a bit of a rough pregnancy in the later half. She rarely let it get her down, but she'd been pretty uncomfortable. The baby moved a lot, she was very active. Isla's weight gain had steadily climbed the last few weeks. A lot of it was water weight that wouldn't leave until she gave birth, and her bump was big, she was carrying larger than Margot had. She'd filled out in the usual places you did with pregnancy, but the main area was her bump and water retention she'd been battling. It wasn't all just fat gains, which Isla knew, but the extra weight was still uncomfortable. She was healthy and her doctor wasn't concerned, she had been monitored plenty.

    Bottom line was, to quote Isla, she was "ready to have this fucking baby".

Rooster leaned down and kissed the top of her head. "I know." He told her. "You're almost there."

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