Chapter Nine

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Margot Mitchell

    Margot got a kick out of Jake sneaking out her window the other day. She'd never experienced that as a teenager, and appreciated the thrill of watching him flee from her brother. And the fact he was wiling to do it for her too, she would have thought Jake Seresin was above sneaking out a girl's window. He had done it though, and Margot knew she owed him one. She would figure out how to make it up to him. She hadn't felt ready to tell Rooster yet, especially since it was still so new. They'd decided to be exclusive, but she wanted to stay in that bubble a while longer. The only people who knew where Isla and Jake's best friend. It couldn't stay that way forever if they kept seeing each other but the comfort of their bubble was nice.

    After class, Margot headed to the Hard Deck with Isla. They had gone home to change and shower first, then headed out for the night. She had on a pair of jeans and a thin black sweater. She was excited it had started to cool down in the evenings, fall was Margot's favorite time of the year. She was sitting at the counter, waiting on their drinks. Isla had gone over to the pool table with some of their classmates.

    "You're the only person who comes in here and orders Aperol Spritz." Penny said, pushing the glass toward Margot. "I've strongly considered renaming it The Margot Special."

    Margot laughed and smiled. As far as step-parents went, Penny was pretty awesome. She'd liked her from the start, only having met her a few years ago. "I'd be honored." She replied, sipping her favorite drink. "Maybe people here just don't have taste. All they seem to drink is beer." She made a face. "What's dad up to tonight?"

    "It is a Navy town. They drink beer like water." Penny pointed out. "He's with Ice. I think it was shop related."

    "It's always shop related. I don't know if dad knows how to relax or talk about civilian things." Margot said, "But I guess at least he's got one friend who also likes to discuss only work." She joked, and Penny laughed.

    "Looks like you've got an interesting group." Penny commented. "Lots of arrogance dripping off that bunch." She nodded toward the dart board. "That one especially."

    Margot glanced and saw Jake. She just took a sip of her drink in response. "You've been around the Navy your whole life, shouldn't be anything new." She said, "I guess you've seen some of them before?"

Penny nodded. "A couple of them have been stationed here a while, you observe a lot at the bar." She answered. "Certainly never boring."

Margot wondered what she had noticed about Jake before, but didn't ask. "I better get over there. I guess keep my tab open."

    "It's covered. Go, have fun." Penny told her with a smile as Margot slid off the stool. She carried her drink and Isla's Manhattan over to her. She handed the drink off to Isla, who took it eagerly.

    "See who's here?" Isla asked with a wink.

    "Obviously." Margot answered, sipping her drink. She was looking over at Jake, and he grinned at her. She had known he was going and they agreed to be casual with one another out around other people. He walked over to her with who she was assuming was Coyote.

    "Margot this is Coyote, my best friend of convenience." Jake said, "Coyote, Margot and Isla."

    "I have heard a lot about you. Sounds like the two of you get into plenty of shit together." Margot replied, causing Coyote to laugh. "What's your real name?"

    "Javy, but callsign is fine." Coyote answered. "You are even more stunning in person. Not sure what you're doing with this fool." He jerked his head toward Jake. He looked at Isla. "Is being attractive a rule for living in your house or.....?"

    "Of course. We have high standards." Isla answered with a grin. "We don't just let anyone into our bachelorette pad. That includes guys. Definitely must meet requirements."

    "You let Bradshaw in, that seems pretty low standards." Jake pointed out.

    "Yet, he wasn't the one flinging himself out a window." Margot reminded him and he shook his head with a smirk. "He gets the brother pass. And Isla for whatever reason thinks he's hot enough to come inside."

    "Your taste is questionable, Álvarez." Jake said, "And you still owe me for going out the window."

    "Do I? I think that was your best bet for survival. I saved your life." Margot told him, taking another sip of her drink. "Does he always fling himself out windows or is that new?" She asked Coyote.

    "I've never seen him go out a window for a girl. You must be pretty fucking special." Coyote answered, leaning against the wall.

    "She is." Jake said, but he was only looking at Margot when he said it.

    Margot felt her face flush slightly. "Game of pool. You two verses us." She said, "Loser buys another around of drinks."

    Two games of pool later, they were tied for wins, and stayed for a while talking. Margot thought Coyote was a fucking hoot, he was hilarious. He and Jake played off one another, she could see how they became such good friends. Isla seemed to hit it off with them too, which made her happy considering that was her best friend. It was important her dating life meshed with Isla, and while this was new, Jake was important to her.

    It was a week night and the bar closed earlier. Even after Penny shut down, Margot lingered out front with Jake, Coyote and Isla. The two of them had ridden together, and Isla had driven Margot. She had limited herself to just the one drink since she was driving. Isla got into the car after telling Jake and Coyote bye, leaving Margot and Jake alone. The parking lot had long emptied out.

Their conversation faded into the background as a charged silence enveloped them. Margot's heart raced as Jake reached out, his hand brushing against hers. She felt a surge of electricity at his touch, sending shivers down her spine. With a hesitant yet determined gaze, Jake closed the distance between them. Margot's pulse quickened as she felt the warmth of his lips pressing against hers, a soft, tentative kiss filled with promise.

Time seemed to stand still as they melted into each other, lost in the moment. Everything about Jake intoxicated her and she wanted more. As they pulled away, their eyes locked in silent understanding. A new energy pulsed between them, igniting a fire that burned brighter with each passing moment. In that fleeting instant, beneath the canvas of the night sky, Margot knew that this was just the beginning of their journey together, wherever it was going.

"Tell Loverboy good night, I am ready for bed!" Isla called after rolling down the window.

Margot looked at her then back at Jake and both of them laughed.

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