Chapter Thirty

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Jake Seresin

Jake stood back, watching his wife on the step stool in the kitchen. She was trying to put her mugs back into the cabinet, and hadn't quite figured out there wasn't enough room. His wife. He wasn't going to get tired of saying it and made any excuse to call her that the last two months. She had on a pair of high waisted jeans short that hugged her ass perfectly, and he had quite the view standing behind her.  He was leaning against the counter with his arms crossed with a grin on his face. She finally turned around and sighed.  "We need more space." Margot told him. She had on a pink tank top that he also thought she looked great in.

"Just now figuring that out?" Jake asked, looking at her row of mugs. "Or you can ditch some of the mugs."

Margot frowned. "They all are sentimental." She said, holding up one. Her wedding band and engagement ring sparkled together under the kitchen light. "I guess I can box the holiday ones up."

"And store them where?" Jake questioned, tilting his head.

"We need a house." Margot finally conceded. They had been having this debate since they got married. His apartment, which was actually a condo, was good sized. But it had been a bachelor pad. When Margot initially moved in, it had been an adjustment. "I don't know where the hell we're going to find something decent that isn't a kidney. It's a sellers market right now which means everything is double to triple." She rolled her eyes. It wasn't the best time to be buying a house.

"I've told you-" Jake began and Margot shook her head.

"I want us to do it together. I don't want you doing it." Margot told him. He'd said a thousand times he had the money in his trust, and she didn't want to do that. His salary was a little above hers, but only because he'd been in the Navy two more years than her. Since they were both 0-3 Lieutenants and Top Gun instructors, they made decent money for the Navy. But California was expensive at the same time, especially the housing market at the moment. Even renting was high currently for the most part.

"It's not me, it's us. We're married." Jake reminded her. "What's mine is yours."

"Then I guess we'll stay here." Margot said, stepping off the stool. She closed the cabinet, apparently deciding to forget trying to re-organize the cabinet for the time being. "It's nice. And it's a good size."

"Sure. Stay here forever. Sound good?" Jake asked, Margot nodded. "We eventually want kids right?" Margot nodded again. "So one question. Where do you plan to put a baby here?"

Margot looked around. It was a one bedroom condo. "Our room?" She asked, and sighed. "Fuck." She looked up at him. She was barefoot so she was currently a lot shorter than him.

"What do you suggest then, Mrs. Seresin?" Jake asked, and she smiled. "Seriously, if you're not on board with dipping into the trust fund, we need to decide what we want to start planning." They both had savings, that was an option. But like Margot had pointed out earlier, fitting that budget was tricky.

"We could rent this place out," Margot replied, "And maybe find a house to rent for the meantime."

Jake raised an eyebrow. "Wouldn't the money made off this place just go toward renting the house?" He asked her, wondering where she was going with this. He wished she'd just cave and let him get the house. He understood where she was coming from though, but it would solve the issue at hand. At least a good down payment.

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