Chapter Thirty-Two

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Jake Seresin

Jake had come to the conclusion that Cyclone was the biggest asshole to ever walk into the Navy. And that was saying a lot, because there were a lot of assholes. He took the attack plans, reviewed them and chose a winner. The catch was? You weren't teaching it, you just got recognition. He pulled in Maverick to teach it, though Jake was pretty sure someone else pushed that choice. Bottom line was, Cyclone never had any intention of them teaching it. He said it was needed to be taught by someone with more real world experience, and they were using their flight plans to build off.

Margot's plan had been the one selected. Jake wasn't sure he'd ever seen her that mad before when she found out she wasn't getting to teach the course. Even then, she wasn't one of the ones selected to fly it. They said she was needed in the program, and they found her teaching position to be more valuable right now than combat. Jake, Rooster, Phoenix and Coyote were some of the ones recalled. There were about ten total to execute Margot's plan, and Maverick's extensions. To his credit, Jake knew his father-in-law was pissed at how this was handled.

Maverick wasn't flying it, he had allegedly hung that up for Penny. But at the same time, he wasn't retiring either. He did a lot of testing, flight development, and the occasional training. Unlike his daughter, Maverick hated teaching. Jake guessed he'd figured out some middle ground to stay in the Navy, but not leave Penny like he had been for years before. Margot, too, for that matter. Jake had lingered after training had wrapped for the day. He had a fairly decent relationship with Maverick, but they were still getting to know each other in some ways. Maverick respected how he came and called him on his shit before the wedding.

"Honest opinion, what do you think of the strategy?" Maverick asked Jake.

Jake was surprised he asked. "I think my wife should be teaching her idea but that's not what you asked." He answered. "It's do-able and straight forward. Honestly I don't understand why he did the assignment to create an attack plan if someone else was going to teach it."

"I don't disagree," Mav replied, "I tried to reverse it. Even Ice couldn't do anything about it, it was their call." He shrugged. Jake knew he didn't get it either. "I told her when she ended up at the academy, it wasn't going to be easy. One, she's a female fighter pilot. Two, the Mitchell name doesn't carry the best reputation here unfortunately."

Jake knew briefly what Maverick was talking about, it was in reference to his own father. Margot had told him a little about it before, but didn't elaborate. He wasn't sure she even knew entirely. "Doesn't seem to matter that she changed her last name. Cyclone never lets her forget it. I think he does it to piss her off, which he usually succeeds at. For such a small person, she has the temper of a bull."

Maverick laughed at Jake's description of Margot and nodded. "About sums it up." He agreed.

"Anyway, I say teach it, we fly it and move on." Jake told him. "I'm going to run, unless you need something else. Margot is pretty bummed about the whole thing and I was going to try to make her feel better. It fucking sucks, but I can't make them change their minds. Though Isla was ready to tear heads off. I still can't figure out how her and Bradshaw work, he's so.....mellow. Meanwhile, Isla will start a world war over anything she sees unjust."

"Some people balance each other out." Maverick pointed out. He shook his head. "No, go. I've got somewhere to be soon too. See you, Monday."

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