Chapter Thirty-Three

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Margot Seresin

    Rooster looked like he regretted asking Margot to tag along for his errand today. In her defense, this had been an exciting one to get to go along for, and she had been particularly enthusiastic. They'd already spent half a day out, and he was the most indecisive person she had ever known in her entire twenty-six years. Though to be fair, this was a big decision. And she didn't blame him for taking his time. Margot leaned against the jewelry counter, sipping her pink drink from Starbucks.

    "They all look the same. So basic," Rooster complained. "I want something unique."

    "You're cutting it close if you want to propose next month." Margot pointed out, looking at her brother. She couldn't believe it, but she was thrilled. Rooster was going to ask Isla to marry him next month while they were in Chicago after two years together. It was the best news she'd had in a while. She had spent the last two months feeling on edge after Victoria showed up at her and Jake's old place. They never had any further encounters. She didn't turn up there again, or the townhouse. Jake figured she gave up, Margot wasn't as optimistic.

    Work had Margot had gotten over not getting to teach the detachment assignment, but it still stung in some ways that her plan was good enough to use, but apparently she hadn't been good enough to teach it. The mission had gone successfully without any issues. From there, it had gone back to the usual training. She got pulled into some testing occasionally, but that was about it. She loved her instructor position, but wondered what room she had to climb if they wouldn't chose her for teaching a detachment assignment.

    "I've been looking. That's why I called you in to help today." Rooster replied, "Fuck." He ran a hand through his hair.

    "Hey, we're not giving up. Don't settle." Margot told him. She had lost count of how many different jewelry stores they'd been to. Big name ones, small ones, and everything in between. They'd ventured out to Los Angeles this time to widen the search. "Okay, tell me what's basic to you so I know what not to look at."

    "Yours. And it's obviously a stunning ring, but cushion cut is so common. And she loves yours but....just something like that doesn't look like Isla." Rooster explained, "Please don't get offended."

    Margot shook her head. "I'm not. I like cushion and princess cut but I agree, they're very very common. And Isla has a unique style." She glanced back in the case. "Ohhh what about this one? It's unique and classy." She pointed to a pear-cut diamond on a double pave diamond band. "Can we see this one?" She asked the lady working.

    "It is." Rooster agreed, looking over at it.

    Margot pulled her two rings off and slid the other on. "I could see her with it." She told her brother. "I think it stands out but not in an obnoxious way."

    "Like how your husband slapped that blinding thing on your finger?" Rooster responded with a laugh.

    Margot shrugged. "I love my ring." She answered.

    Rooster grew more serious. "Think this is the one?" He asked her. Margot slid the ring back off, and put her two back on.

    "I like it, I think it's beautiful. But you tell me. You're the one popping the question." Margot replied, grinning. "Which I still can't believe. I thought we'd never see this day! I figured you'd die an old man alone in your bed. Maybe with a cat."

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