Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Margot Seresin

    "Remind me again why the hell we are up so early on the weekend?" Rooster complained from the backseat of Jake's Jeep. To be fair, he was right. It was 5am on a Saturday morning and they had been on the road thirty minutes. Margot glanced back and saw him drinking his coffee like it would ensure his survival. Isla was asleep against him, having tuned them out completely.

    "Because Bradley James, I wanted to go to Disneyland. And two of you have never been, so I invited you." Margot answered. "And only losers don't rope drop." She added.

    "You have a husband now you can drag out on your crazy ass adventures." Rooster reminded her, glancing at Jake in the driver's seat.

    Husband. Margot's heart did a flip at the sound of it. She and Jake had been married a month, and she still felt giddy anytime she heard that. Life had gone pretty good the last month. They had a blast at the beach, and Margot knew it meant a lot to Jake to finally take her out to the beach house. She had been apprehensive initially considering that had been the leverage his mom had used for the break up.

    Her and her dad were figuring things out. It was slightly awkward, but moving in the right direction. It wouldn't be normal again overnight, but she and Jake had spent some time with him. He was trying, and had seemed to warm up quite a bit to Jake. Margot sensed some resistance too on Jake's end, she knew he held a small grudge for Maverick's part in all of that.

    "He's been before. I wanted you and Isla to go. It is the happiest place on earth after all." Margot said, shrugging.

    "My bed is the happiest place on earth." Rooster grumbled, earning a smirk from Jake. In typical Jake Seresin fashion, he looked like he'd had a full eight hours of sleep and wasn't bothered by the early morning. Margot knew why her brother was so tired, Jake and Rooster had a few late night assignments regarding some aircrafts. Neither of them had gotten home until about 11pm the night before. Anaheim was just under two hours from North Island, and Margot had wanted to arrive by 7:30am at the latest.

    "You can take a nap, darling, I'll wake you when we arrive." Jake told him. Rooster gave him the middle finger in response, but Jake only grinned at him in the rearview mirror.

    Margot ignored her grumpy brother, and turned up her playlist. She was happily singing along to We Don't Talk About Bruno, and pointed at Jake during the "he told me that the man of my dreams" line, and Jake swatted her Mickey ears with a grin. She straightened them back on her head, using the mirror to adjust them. The week after the wedding, she had cut her hair off shorter. It was now a cute bob that hit at her collarbone.

    "If I had known this was underneath your hot exterior, I may have reconsidered my proposal." Jake teased.

    "I waited until we both had rings to fully reveal my nerdy and childish interior." Margot responded, clicking to the next song. It was Hooked on a Feeling. "How much longer do you think they'll have you working on that F-35?" She asked Jake and Rooster, glancing between the two of them. She was in the passenger seat, and Rooster was behind Jake.

    "I don't know. Probably two weeks. We wouldn't be working at night if someone hadn't been a smart ass to Cyclone." Rooster answered.

    Jake shrugged. "He's a dick and had no business poking his nose in our course. I'd do it again given the opportunity. Unlike you, I don't let people walk all over me." He told Rooster. "Besides, I'm on his shit list anyway. I already was then became his arch nemesis' son-in-law."

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