Chapter Forty-Six

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Jake Seresin

    Jake turned his fighter jet into several barrel rolls before pulling out. He fired at the target below, hitting it on impact. He was doing a demonstration on some of the fighter maneuvers they were looking to bring into the program. He was flying against Coyote, who had a WSO in the back just for testing purposes. Jake didn't see Coyote much at work, so it felt like a treat. A really fun treat. The WSO was testing more of the weapons to see how that played a role verses single jet.

    "Step it up, Coyote." Jake teased.

    "Hey, me and my passenger princess are working hard." Coyote responded.

    The WSO that was with Coyote was from another base that had come in. He was one of the top WSOs in the area, and Isla had selected him to come in. She was the one behind these tests today. She was monitoring all the statistics and keeping up with it. She was actually working with Colin on it, though he was below her. He had moved into the weapons division there.

    "Passenger princess? You were calling me your puppy earlier." Wolf answered.

    Yeah the selected Weapon Systems Officer's callsign was Wolf. It was fitting that the two of them were paired together with their callsigns.

    "I like puppy better." Jake said, laughing as they fired at the second target.

    When they brought the jets back in, they met with Isla, Colin and one of the superior officers in that division. Jake had been pulled in to run a few tests before going back over to Top Gun. It was part of the training schedule each week. Isla appeared pleased with the run.

    "I'll regret saying this because Hangman's ego is bigger than God," Isla said, "But the run was great. I think it's ready for the squadrons to do this week." She looked at Captain Green.

    "I agree. Excellent job on putting it together." Captain Green commended. He stood up. "I'll go pass the information on and we'll get the squads running this course."

    Jake watched him leave, leaving him alone with Isla and Colin. Coyote and Wolf had gone down to change out of their flight suits. "You're a weapons geniuses, Bradshaw #2."

    Isla smiled. "I try." She said, shrugging. "He's not so bad as an understudy."

    Colin laughed. "I've watched her mostly. It's been a learning opportunity."

    Isla sat back in her chair, folding her hands over her baby bump. She was showing now and was clearly pregnant. "I kind of like having an intern." She said and Colin rolled his eyes. "Want to know if you're having a niece or nephew? We found out this morning."

    "Does Margot know yet?" Jake asked.

    "Nope. Uncle Jake would be the first to know." Isla answered.
    "Then absolutely." Jake grinned.

    "We're having a girl." Isla answered with a smile. "I'm super excited."

    "Congrats, Iz. I know you were pulling for it." Jake told her. Rooster hadn't minded either way, but Isla had really been hoping for a girl. Jake was pleased to know something before Margot, and intended to give her a hard time. "Want to walk with me?" He asked Colin, who nodded.

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