Chapter Fifteen

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Margot Mitchell

    The week after the party, things had heated up in class. There were only five weeks left in the program, and the competition was stronger than ever. Margot had found it to be both exhilarating and exhausting. She'd never been pushed to these kinds of limits before. She also found balancing her personal life to start to be an issue. She was relieved Rooster knew about her and Jake, but she was feeling more pressure to mention it to her dad. It had been a close call Sunday when she forgot he was coming over. A part of her thought it didn't matter, he could get over if he had an issue. The other part of her didn't want her to burst the bubble she had been in.

    After class Margot had gone to Jake's for the night. She could feel her heart rate increasing as he kissed down every inch of her body. They were entangled on his bed in the sheets. She loved the way he kissed, it was with precision she hadn't experienced before. She'd had plenty of sloppy kissers and Jake wasn't one of them. He was incredible. His mouth stayed on hers while one hand cupped her breast over her thin sweater.

Jake's other hand roamed her side as her fingers intertwined in his hair. The weight of his body pressed against her and was the best fucking feeling in the world. Even the vibrating-wait, what?

Margot drew back slightly. "Please tell me that's your phone buzzing against my thigh." She told him, eying his jeans. They had gone out for drinks with Isla and Rooster, the two guys trying to have some sort of peace offering. As soon as they had gotten back, Jake had carried her to his bedroom, clothes still on, but close to coming off.

"Ignore it," Jake replied, kissing her neck. It didn't stop though and he finally sat up with a sigh. He pulled it from his pocket and his face told Margot enough.

"Did you at least think any more about the dinner since Sunday?" Margot asked, "If you don't want to, you should at least tell her that so she'll stop calling." She still didn't know what his main issue was with not wanting to see his mom, just bits and pieces. She figured it was his place to tell when he was ready, they were still getting to know one another in a lot of ways. Which was exciting, but then you got into skeletons in your closet you had to face.

"It won't stop her, trust me," Jake answered. "If I tell her yes, you're serious about going?" He asked, and Margot nodded. "It'll probably please her enough that I have a girlfriend she may behave for once." He said, more to himself by how he softened his tone. He moved off Margot as he answered the phone. She watched him leave the room to go talk. 

Margot wondered why this was so sensitive. It was the only time Jake had ever seemed rattled was when she was calling him. She remembered the guilt gift of the car, and wondered what his mother had to feel guilty for. Not being there? Perhaps. She knew she had no room to question his complicated relationship with his mom, when she was too chicken to tell her dad about Jake. She'd settled with maybe if they made it to three months, start talking. That would be just before the end of Top Gun. That was the deadline she had tried to set for herself.

It shouldn't be that big of a deal to tell her dad, but things had just got normal in the last few years. At least their new normal. She knew he wasn't going to be thrilled over this and wasn't ready to deal with another rift between them. She looked as Jake returned and he sat his phone on his dresser. "I agreed to do dinner tomorrow night. She's making reservations. I told her I'm bringing you." Jake said, "It's a formal dinner. I know most of your stuff is back at Oceana since you relocated here temporarily, did you bring any formal dresses?"

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