Chapter Thirty-Five

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Jake Seresin

    Jake flipped his fighter jet over Rooster's with a huge grin on his face. They were running some tests that afternoon for one of the captains. The two of them were in between classes, and had some courses to complete. There was always a lot of testing and maintenance type of tasks on the base, even for instructors. This was his favorite type, where he could be competitive against other people. Especially when it was his brother-in-law. Jake probably wouldn't ever admit it, but he had grown fond of Bradshaw. They liked to get a rise out of one another but also could come together when needed. They were also pretty damn close now too, but liked to pretend otherwise.

    "We should change your callsign to Turtle, you're the wrong kind of animal." Jake taunted as he flew underneath Rooster.

    "And you're an asshole." Rooster said back.

    "Wow, I'm shaking in my cockpit." Jake replied, laughing. "Come on, you seriously going to let me beat you?"

    Rooster swerved past Jake, and they fought back and forth. Jake had an arrogant grin the entire time, this was fun. This was the type of shit he liked with being a pilot, the challenge of battling it out. They continued their dog fighting all the way to the end of the course. Jake had barely beaten Rooster, their times were close.

    "Better luck next time, Roo." Jake told Rooster. "See you on the ground, cock-a-doodle-do."

    "Fuck off." Rooster mumbled.

    Jake landed his fighter jet, which was an F/A-18. Rooster had been in an F-35, they had been comparing speed and turns. It had been suspected the 18 would hold up better, and it had. Jake would argue it was his bad ass pilot skills, but they had ran the same test the day before, and Rooster had beaten Coyote in the F/A-18. He climbed out, and unzipped his flight suit. He was hot and felt cooler as soon as his arms were exposed.

    "Think they're working on an assignment?" Rooster questioned, walking up beside him.

    Jake shrugged. "Who knows. Probably just routine tests. I haven't heard of anything." He answered, slowing when he saw Cyclone approaching them.

    "Commander Bradshaw," Cyclone said, "Commander Seresin." Jake noticed the tone he used when he said Jake's name. "The Strike Fighter Weapons School at NAS Oceana is looking for instructors. I wanted to let you know I put Commander Seresin's name in for consideration." He smiled smugly.

    Jake did his best to keep his face neutral. "I'm sure your wife will be able to transfer too, though I didn't put her name in for the position." Cyclone continued. "Best of luck, they'd be lucky to have you."

    Jake watched him walk off and looked over at Rooster. "I fucking hate him." He said, shaking his head.

    "Could try talking to Maverick, I bet Iceman could do something about it." Rooster told him. "You may not even get accepted."

    "Of course I will." Jake argued. He had no doubts he would, that was the problem. "I don't want to go. Plus I don't want to drag Margot there to do whatever job they assign her to. She likes teaching." He said, sighing. "I don't really want to play the father-in-law card."

    "Yeah but the father-in-law card could keep you here." Rooster pointed out. "I'd ask why he hates you but that speaks for itself. You're arrogant, an asshole, constantly stir the pot-"

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